Chapter 9.

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Jake had finally convinced Kaia to come to the school football game. Giving in to his constant texts, she put her phone in her back pocket and parked up in the school parking lot. Stepping out in a pair of dark blue jeans, a red and white striped tank top and sandals covering her feet. Walking over to the bleachers, getting some glares off people who seemed to believing everything that when around the school. Rumors had started from the moment Nate was arrested. He was on school grounds what it happened, looking from Jake. Luckily Jake was on the look out for Kaia and wasn’t on anywhere to be found.

Brushing away the want to turn around, holding her head up high looking of the girl as all of the boys is on the team. Spotting them at the top of the bleachers, she makes my way up, hearing whispered words about her. She puts my head down not wanting to draw any more attention to her. "Hi." She smiles at the girls sitting own next to them. They looked up surprised; they didn't think she would show up with everything that had happened in one day. "Hello." Smiled Dani passing her a bag of popcorn. Taking a seat next to them, she pulled on a black button up sweater, and wrapped it around herself.

"Thanks." She mumbled nervously, taking the popcorn form her as the boys started to run onto the pitch as the school cheered as the team huddled in a circle as the couch gave words of encouragement. "Right boys make this game count, beat this team and we are on the way to a final." He told the team before turning to Nate. "You good with being quarterback, or do you want Jake to take it?" Couch asked him looking between the both of them, knowing something's going on.

It was amazing that Nate was allowed to play. With the arrest and the charges against him, Nate was walking on a tight line. "No, I'm good." Nate glared at Jake before putting his helmet on, running to his place on the pitch.

"Right, Jake normal place then." The couch spoke in his gruff deep voice, the bald man thumbed behind him to Jakes place on the field. He nodded doing the same as Nate. Before anyone knew it, the whistle was blown and the game started. It stared off well; Jake had managed to score by kicking the ball through the posts. And Josh and Nate had done the same not long after.

The scores tallied up, and time passed, leaving only five minutes left on the clock. Josh was running, and saw a gap between him and Jake, chucking the ball to him, before Jake bolted off dogging players trying to get the ball from him. Seeing Nate out the corner of his eye, knowing he was open. Jake chucked the ball to him as he landed a goal. Winning them the game. The crowd cheered from joy. Jumping up from their seats, Kaia and Dani hugged dramatically. Collecting their bags from the ground, Kaia, Dani and Skyler raced down the steps of the bleachers. Attacking their boyfriends, Kaia watched her friends be happy and excited with the boys. Turing her head, Jake smiled, waving from where he stood on the pitch. "Well done." Kaia mouthed, causing him to smile and nod towards her thankfully.

"Hey." Nate yelled from behind Kaia, causing her to turn around with a grimiest. "How are you?" Nate asked, smirking. He knew what he was doing. And he knew it was wrong, he was already in trouble, and he had nothing to lose.

Rushing over to them, Jake pushed Nate away from Kaia. "Get the fuck away from her." Jake spat, his protective side coming out.

"Since when did you fucking care about her?" Nick spat back, pointed a finger into Jake's chest, the vain in his neck sticking out from anger.

“Would it surprise you if I told you that I’ve had a crush on your girlfriend ever since I first met her?" Jake hissed, shoving Nate back forcefully. Upon hearing the words fall out of Jake’s mouth, his face changed from anger to shock with in a matter of seconds. His face turned ran, the urge to punch Jake in the face was held back when a much smaller voice started to talk.

Kaia stood behind the two boys, hiding her head in embracement. The argument had brought a lot of unwanted attention from other students as they gathered around the teenagers, watching the event unfold. And Kaia had enough. "Ok that is enough! This is so stupid." Kaia huffed, chucking her hands up in the air.

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