Chapter 15.

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The bright sunlight shone through the windows of the car. Jake could feel the warmth of it on the back of his head that was strangely comforting. A peacefully sleeping Kaia moved ever so slightly in his arms. Her chest rising and falling with every peaceful breath she took. When he noticed that, the questions began to spin around in his head. The night before was a complete daze.

What happened?

Taking a look outside a tall tree swayed from the slight breeze. The light blue sky was cloudless, allowing the early morning Californian sun to burn bright. Thick fog laid low on the ground, a sigh that they were defiantly not in Los Angeles anymore. Both were laying on the back seat of Jake’s Range Rover, in each other’s arms. They didn’t have sex, cause they were both fully clothed.

He didn't even know what time it was. Pulled his phone out of his jeans pocket, being careful not to wake Kaia. Hitting the button in the middle, nothing happened. The battery must have died in the middle of the night. 

Sitting up slowly, trying his best not to wake the sleeping girl besides him, he decided to see where they had ended up from the night before. Outside, there were trees and bushes everywhere, covered in a thick fog. Guess that they found their way up a very tall hill. "What the hell happened last night?" He mumbled to himself, holding his face in his hands as he rubbed his temples in a circular motion.

Trying his best to remember what happened, he decided to look around the car for any indication as to what went on. And when he found it, lying on the drivers seat was an open road map and his car keys. Leaning forward, he grabbed hold of the map, seeing the page it was open on. "San Francisco?" Confused, he checked on the map again to make sure that he wasn’t losing his mind. But he was right the first time, were in San Francisco. "What the fuck?" He hissed in confusion.

How did they get from Calabasas, to here?

"Jake? What’s happening?" Kaia mumbled quietly, sitting up while rubbing her face. Her voice muffled from just waking up.

"We’re in San Francisco." He sighed, handing her the open map.

Taking it from him, she examined in carefully. "What? How the fuck did we end up here? It's, like a six hours drive!" She looked around, baffled, now completely awake.

"I have no idea." He sighed, taking the map back, folding it up to its normal size, placing it back in the front seat.

"Let's get outside, and see where we are." Kaia's suggested, opening the car door after unlocking it, by pressing a small button placed by the handle. Stepping out, we found ourselves over looking the city. This has to be the tallest hill in San Francisco.

"Wow," Kaia gasped, watching the sun glisten over the busy city. "It's beautiful. Can we just spend the day here?" Looking at her over my shoulder, I watched her nod her head, looking over one of the foggy hills

“Yeah, why not? But please can we get some food before we go anywhere? I’m starving.” She squinted looking up at him, the low sun shining in her eyes. He chuckled feeling his stomach groaning from the lack of food in his system. He made his way back to the car, fishing the keys out of his pocket. “I have an idea.” He said once they were both back in the car, starting it up and pulled out of the parking space.

Kaia lets out a thankful sigh, falling back against the headrest. Driving down the steep hill, the busy streets played out in front of them, as small shops and family houses lined the street on both sides. Watching the sights blur past the window, Kaia turned the car radio on as a song they both knew pretty well bleared out of the speakers.

I'm waking up to ash and dust

“Turn it up, I love this song.” Kaia smiled, turning to watch out of the window again. Turning the dial, the volume increased as the song played on. Tapping his fingers against the steering wheel, along with the drumbeat, as the warm sun shone through the glass heating up the car. “I’ll make you a deal. Whatever song comes on the radio next will be our song.” Jake smiled peeking at Kaia long enough to see her nod her head before turn back to the road.

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