Chapter 5.

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The house was quite. Samantha was at work like she normally was, April was busy with work around the house and Kaia had locked herself in her room, sitting on her bed and had been waiting for Nate to text her for the last hour.

He promised that he would. But Kaia was starting to lose faith in him. She already had lost her faith in him.

Tired of being bored of staring at the ceiling, she deciding to play Temple Run 2 on her phone. She lay down on her back, holding her phone up in the air above her face. Starting the game, she tilted it to the side, making the character move along. Soon beating her high score, she giggled to herself as the little character started running faster. Then out of nowhere she lost the grip that she had on the phone, it slipping through her fingers and deciding to attack her face.

 "Ow!" She screamed loudly, sitting up cupping her cheek with her hand as tears slowly started to brim in her eyes. Blinking them away she mentally told myself to man up and stop being such a baby.

"What happened?" April yelled, her footsteps soon being heard coming up the stairs at a quick pace. "Are you alright?" Her head slipped through the now open door, looking very worried.

"I'm fine, April. I just dropped my phone on my face." Kaia laughed, shaking her head as a stray tear decided to roll down her cheek. Whipping it away quickly, she smiled brightly at her, letting her know she was truly fine.

"Silly girl, I thought something bad had happened." She rolled her eyes, then closing the door, making the house silent yet again.

Soon a vibrating sound came from besides her, Nate's caller I.D. showing on screen. "Hey." She said brightly, knowing that he wouldn't be in the best of moods tonight. He said he had to sort out something. God knows what that meant.

The sound of a car rushing past him, indicating that he was outside somewhere. "Hey, can you do me a favor?" He asked speaking quickly, like he couldn't wait to get off the phone.

"Yeah sure." She agreed without even thinking.

Hearing him shuffle around on his feet, sounding like he was kicking something before he answered. "Open the door. I'm outside your house." She could tell he was smirking at this point.

"Okay. I'll be down in a bit." Hanging up, she threw her phone to the side, getting off the bed and rushed out the door, down the stairs and opened the door to a wide smiling Nate. Something had happened before he came here.

"Can I come in?" Without even answering, he stepped forward making Kaia step away from him and rest her back against the cold wall of the hallway, closing the door behind him and stepped further into the place that she called home.

"Mr. Clark, I thought I recognized your voice." April smiled as she came around the corner, carrying her Whinny The Pooh mug full of coffee.

Smiling faculty, he placed his strong arm around Kaia waist. "Hello April, haven't seen you in a while." Nate faked smiled again, nodding his head towards her. April just stood there, watching the both of them in silence, making the room very awkward, very quickly.

In fact the awkwardness was so heavy, you could cut it with a knife. Turning to Nate, Kaia let out a deep breath. "Let's go upstairs." Taking his hand into hers, they walked up the stairs as April watched them with her careful eyes. Closing the door behind her, she sat on the end of the bed, waiting for Nate to say something. Pacing up and down the length of the room, Nate kept his cool but she could see he was angry. "What happened?" She whispered, carful not to push his buttons.

"How can he think he can take you away from me?" He mumbled to himself, running a hand through his thick hair, ignoring her question.

"What happened?" She repeated a little louder. This time, he heard her.

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