Chapter 11.

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"Hello this is Jake's phone, I can't get to it right now so-" And there was another time Jake missed the phone to one of Kaia’s many calls. Sighing she plopped down on her bed wanting nothing more then to hear Jake's voice. What happened yesterday was something that she never expected to happen. But she loved every second of it, and she wish that they could do it all over again. But the scary part is that, she didn’t regret it. And what scares her even more is that she thought she was falling for him.

Picking up her phone again, hitting re-dial for what seemed the millionth time that day, holding it up to her ear. Waiting for him to pick up, the annoying beeps of the connecter ringing through her ears. Soon a voice being heard at the other end, but then realising it was just another message. Hanging up with annoyance, she chucked her phone onto her bed, and let out a loud and annoying scream, falling face first onto her bed. "What was that?" April high pitch voice called from downstairs with worry.

"Nothing." She yelled back, burying her head into one of her pillow, muffling the sound of her soft cries. 

Dustin sighed, opening the door to her room. "What's wrong?" He asked sitting down on the mattress next to her.

"Jake." She muttered into her pillow, not even bothering to lift her head to look at her brother.

"Really Kaia? Is that the boy you was dancing with at your birthday?" From the moment she came home yesterday, Dustin knew something was up, but he didn’t know it was a boy. From now on, any boy that was going to get close with his little sister, had to go through him.

"Yes, but its not like that matters now.” She cried pulling her head off the pillow to look at him. 

"If he’s gonna make you feel like this, is he really worth it?” He questioned, brushing some of Kaia’s hair behind her ear in one swift movement. “I know what he done with the whole Nate thing, I know he helped you.” He paused, nibbling on his bottom lip. “Did something happen between you?”

Swallowing, Kaia nodded shyly. “We kissed.”

Fiddling with her fingers, Kaia waited for her brothers’ reaction. “Is that all?” Nodding again, she looked her brother in the eye. Sighing he rubbed the back of his neck. “Look Kaia, I know I haven’t been here much, we both know that. But you’re my little sister, and I’m the man of the family, all I want for you is to be okay. And if being with this boy will do that, then that’s fine by me.” He paused, holding his hand on her knee. “But doing this is not going to help the situation. If you really want to talk to him that badly, then go and see him, instead of doing this.” Dustin sighs running his large hands against her cheeks and swiped the pad of his thumb under her eyes to rid of any remains of mascara and eyeliner.  Kissing the top of her head, he stood up. “Love ya sis.” He winked and turned to leave the room.

"Dustin wait." Kaia called rushing over to the door. Turning around he was almost being knocked over by Kaia running into his strong arms. "Thanks, for everything." She smiled hugging him with a tight squeeze. 

"Anything for you, baby girl." He chuckled pinching one of her cheeks, while the other hand was still wrapped around her back. "I’ll make sure you get the rest of the day off school, we can watch a movie if you want." He whispered tucking a strand of her dark hair behind her ear, with a kiss to the top of her head; he left the room and head down stairs leaving Kaia to think. "Kaia?" He called from the bottom of the stairs. 

"Yeah?" She called back, still in the same position she was in before. 

"Are you coming down? I’ll let you pick the movie." He laughed with a bowl of popcorn that April had made, in his hands. Sighing to herself, Kaia walked out of her room, grabbing a blanket into her hands.

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