Chapter 16.

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Josh rushed into his room, hearing his phone ring from where he left it on his bed. Dani came up on the caller I.D. “Hey baby.” He smiled; they had been having problems ever since the case first came to light. Dani was supporting Kaia, and Josh was supporting Nate, but he still would love her, no matter what.

“We need to talk.” She mumbled as she bit down on her nail out of nervousness. This was it, the four dreaded words came out of her mouth and Josh knew this was the end.

Josh sighed he knew this was coming. Running his free hand through his hair in a stressful way. “He’s my brother, Dani. I can’t just abandon him when he needs me.” He spoke with a desperate voice, whishing that she wasn’t going to do what he thought she would.

He clenched his eyes shut, waiting for her response. “Kaia’s my best friend! I can’t be with you if you’re going to support that pig.” She mumbled sadly, this was the last thing she thought she would be doing. Breaking up with her boyfriend over the phone. It was the lowest of the low, but it had to be done.

“Please don’t do this.” He begged, fighting back the urge to cry, he had to be a man. Men don’t show feelings over a stupid girl.

“I’m sorry.” She whispered. “It’s over.”


When Kaia got home from San Francisco, Dustin had informed her of the trial going ahead, she didn’t say anything, but he could tell it effected her by her eyes, they glasses over and didn’t shine like they were moments before.

Her bedroom door was closed but he didn't bother to knock, knowing she would tell him to leave her alone if he did. Therefore, he simply turned the knob, sighing slightly in relief when he noticed that it wasn't locked. “Kaia." He called tentatively pushing the door open, but got no response as her faced buried into her pillow. Kaia kept her forehead pressed against the soft white pillow, her hands balled in a fist by the side of her head, not letting Dustin get a good view of her face. He panicked that she was she crying. "Kaia, are you okay?" He asked quietly, slowly approaching her tensed body. She didn't move but merely hid her face ever more between her forearms, tugging at her hair with both hands. She wasn't shaking so Dustin presumed she wasn't crying – which was a relief because he didn’t know how much more he could stand to see her so broken. Maybe it was just the shock from everything happening so quickly and it was finally going ahead. Maybe she wasn’t ready; maybe she was scared about giving her testimony. But her behavior was more similar to how she acted when she was angry, and seeing side of angry Kaia scared Dustin.

"Do I look okay to you?" She spat, although it came out muffled because of how trapped her face was in the pillow.

Taking a deep breath, he dared to place his hands on her right shoulder, carefully but determinedly. He wanted her to know that he was always going to be there for her. But no matter what, Kaia always seemed to push him away. Like she enjoyed suffering in silence. "Kaia, I know you’re scared, but you need to talk to me. I can’t help you if you keep shutting me out…" He trailed off, speaking as softly as he possibly could. He felt Kaia’s shoulders bow up and down under his hand, like she was trying to breathe deeply in order not to either cry or scream or just break down in general.

"I... " She didn't finish, stuttering like a lost child. She sounded so defenseless at that moment, it broke Dustin heart, and he nearly felt like sobbing himself.

"Shh." He rubbed her arm comfortingly, trying to pry her hands away from her head. "It's alright, okay? You don’t need to say anything. We can just sit, not think about anything."

The room fell silent, Kaia’s heavy breathing was the only thing to be heard. “I’m not ready, Dustin.” She mumbled lifting her head slightly then turned it to the side to look at Dustin. Her face was red and blotchy, from when she had been crying a couple of minuets before Dustin had entered. “I don’t want today to happen.” She cried, a stray tear falling from her eye.

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