Chapter 3.

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Kaia’s head throbbing at an unbearable pace, each thump causing her more and more pain. Flickering her eyes open slowly, revealing them to the sun's deathly rays that shone through an open window perched on the wall, the sweet sound of birds sing to each other was causing more pain to her head. She groaned, readying herself to sit up, but she was being held back, her stomach trapped between the mattress and something strong that her body flailing back onto the comforter. She furrowed her eyebrows, despite the pain that relinquished itself while doing so, completely clueless of when had happened the night before. She looked down, only now realizing that her torso was bare and the only thing covering her was the bed's spread. A wave of fear washed over her as everything from the night before came rushing back. It hit her like a tone of bricks. Nate spiked her drink so that she would have sex with him. He took her virginity from her against her will.

She ripped the sheets out of the bed, forcing the arm that was draped over her stomach, off and stood up quickly, holding the sheets tightly against her naked body. She then peered at the bed to see a mop-topped boy, his lower half covered by Calvin Klein boxers. He turned his head to the side away from her, mumbling something under his breath. She bit her lip, trying her best to calm her heavy breathing, but it was no use. She slowly turned her vision to look around the room. The entire night came rushing back to her, hurting her every thought. That’s when panic took over. There were red cups spilled in multiple places, and far over to the side, lay a pile of clothes on the floor - her clothes mixed with others; Nate’s to be more precise.

"Kaia, what are you doing?" A deep voice mumbled sleepily, coming from the direction of the bed. She snapped her head towards the deep voice, a voice that now scared her to death. She knew it would be forever haunt her nightmares for a long time. Nate looked up at her, a groan slipping from in between his swollen pink lips. He rubbed his head as he sat up. "Come back to sleep." He ordered his eyelids clenched tightly over his brown orbs before opening them, staring at her with anger.

She shrugged, unsure of what to do next. "I- I-," She stuttered, unsure of what to say. "I should get home." Her voice shook from the fear of Nate’s presents. She leaned down towards the floor to capture her bra and panties, slipping them on, not bothering to see if Nate was watching her.  She couldn’t bring herself to look at him. Things could never be the same between them ever again.

“Baby, you don’t need to go anywhere, we can stay right here.” Nate’s voice whispered from behind her, his hot breathe hitting the back of her neck.

Freezing on the spot as she felt Nate’s hands wrap around her waist from behind, flashbacks forming in her mind. “My mom will be wondering where I am. I told her I would be back last night.” She panicked, hoping that he would believe her and just let her go home.

He chuckled darkly, holding her tighter against his chest. “You can’t get home without me. I was your ride remember?” Brushing his hand against her bare hip, she cringed, moving away from him, spinning around to face him. “Are you scared of me?” His eyes soften at that moment. He looked just like the boy that she fell in love with, but that was just a front, she couldn’t ever trust him again. Not after this.

“I-“ She chocked on her words as Nate cut her off by shoving her as hard as he could. The force made her fall to the floor with a thump.

“Shut up. Put some clothes on. I don’t want anyone else seeing you naked.” He hissed, throwing his shirt at her from last night, she couldn’t wear her dress again as it was completely ripped from Nate’s actions. “Say anything about this to anyone… you’ll be sorry. No one will believe you anyway.” He crouched down to her leave as she sat herself up, pulling the shirt on that was to big for her so it reached down to the middle of her thighs. “And anyways, that dress you was wearing was asking for it. It’s your fault that happened.” He gestured with his head to material that lied in the corner of the room. Gripping her shoulder aggressively, he pulled her up to her feet. Shoving her out of the room onto the hallway that overlooked Skyler’s very large living room. At that exacted moment, Jake walked out of a room, opposite from the one Kaia and Nate had just been occupying. Lipstick around his mouth and down his neck. “Hey guys.” He greeted seeing the couple, noticing the awkwardness between them as they both stood by the stairs. His eyes then traveled to Kaia and skimmed over the very little of what she was wearing.

LightsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon