Chapter 4.

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Kaia walked into school on Monday, Nate by her side as they acted as if nothing happened over the weekend. They acted as if Kaia’s boyfriend didn't rape her at one of her best friends party's. Heading straight up to her locker, she ignored the strange looks both her and Nate got from students in the school. "Hey." Greeting Skyler and Dani, who were leaning against the wall, Kaia opened her locker and pulled the necessary books out and placed them into the bag that was hanging off her shoulder, ready for the first class of the day. Feeling a pair of eyes burning holes into her back, Kaia found Jake staring from across the hall. The look on his face was something like concern, crease lines on his forehead showed that he deep in thought about something. Looking hard to see what he was staring at so hard, she followed him eyes to Nate holding onto her hip tightly.

Letting out a quick huff, she shut the locker door with a loud click, turning to Nate who was now glaring at Jake. "Hey, what's your problem with him?" Dani spoke as she snapped her fingers in front of Nate's face, bringing him out of his trance.

"It's nothing for you to worry about." He mumbled, turning back to where Jake was standing only to find an empty space. "Let's just get to class." He sighed as his grip on Kaia’s waist tightened even more, forcing her to walk with him. By now the bell had rung and the halls were silent, two of Nate's football team buddy's were walking towards the couple, throwing an oval shaped ball between them, from one side of the hall to the other. They stopped when they saw the pair, nodding their heads towards Nate.

"Dude, you coming to the ‘Kick Out’ with us?" One called, tucking the ball under his muscular arm. His sandy blonde hair and sky blue eyes made him look like a beautiful, but a very dangerous boy, and his big, muscular frame didn’t help.

"Skipping class?" Nate asked raising his eyebrows at the two senior boys, both with smirks on their faces.

"Yeah man, we've got beer." The other spoke, adjusting his red and cream school football varsity jacket, then running his long fingers through his thick black curly hair.

"Sure." Nate nodded at them, then turning to Kaia. "I'll be back before school finishes. Cover for me if any teachers asks." He smiled, brushing his lips against hers for a second before she could say or do anything. Patting his friends’ backs, he sent his girlfriend a wink and then quickly walked down the hall and out the glass doors with the boys. Bowing her head as the final warning bell rung. Letting out a deep sigh, she turned on her heels and walked back down the hall, past where Dani and Skyler were still standing checking on their make up in a compact mirror.

"Kaia, where are you going? Class is that way." Skyler spoke looking up from applying a layer of baby pick lip-gloss, pointing her finger in the direction of the English classroom. Not even bothering to stop and talk to her, Kaia carried on walking, watching her feet hit the shine white tiles of the school hallways, reflecting the florescent light bulbs that hung, high above her head. "Where you going?" Skyler called, the sound of her heels clicking on the floor, told Kaia that she was trying to catch up.

"I... need to pee." Kaia replied quickly without even thinking, hurrying off to the bathroom, so no one could see the tears that were slowly starting to run out of her tear ducts. Bursting through the doors of the girls’ toilets, three freshmen were huddled around the mirrors that hung on the right wall of the small four-walled room. "Get out." She snapped at three who were standing like the stupid girls they are, watching as she had a break down.

Listening to the tone of her voice, and the state she was currently in, they followed her orders, fiddling around with their designer bags, before hurried out. Bolting the door behind them with a loud clicking sound, so no one else could walk in. She slammed a back against the hard, soiled wood door, sliding down till she hit the cold tiled ground, her bag falling with her, tipping over on its side and spilling all the contents on the floor. Cupping her face with her hands, a loud sob racketed through her body, the tears streaming at an uncontrollable rate. Only now coming to terms with what happened. Her body shook as all of the emotions she felt were no longer hidden and were at the forefront of her mind. Pulling up the long sleeves of the sweater she was wearing, revealing the dark, purple bruises on her forearm that Nate had caused. Every part of her body ached, and the pain between her legs was the worst. This has to be one of her lowest points of her life. Sitting on the floor of the school bathroom feeling sorry for herself.

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