Chapter 12.

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Kaia opens her eyes. The room was dark, not even the sun was out yet. She couldn't sleep. Not with the same dream going around and around in her head. No matter what she did, she always found Jake dead with dark red blood covering his face. It was something she could not un-see. It was hunting her.

You know what they say, they promise that dreams can come true, but forget to mention that nightmares are dreams, too. She turned to her bedside table, where her phone was on charge. Turning the screen on, she looked at the time. 3:46 there was no way she could ever get back to sleep now.

Putting the device back, she laid on her back facing the blank ceiling. The image of Jakes blooded face with black dead eyes was circulating through her mind. It was hell. She stayed in the same position until her alarm rang at 6:30. She's now felt numb; she was no longer tired, she was just there not really thinking about anything. Pulling the warm covers off, she sat up looking around her room. With a sigh, she stood up stretching her arms up, yarning. Walking through her room with bare feet, she found her adjoining bathroom, locking the door behind her. Turning the shower on cold, she striped of her clothing, tying her hair up in a messy bun.

Stepping under the freezing water, she gasped waking up out of her numb state. Washing her face and shaving her legs quickly, she was out and had wrapped a towel around her to warm up. Going back into her room, April had already made her bed and opened the blinds, letting the bright sunlight shine through the glass of the large window that over looked the large swimming pool in her back yard. Pulling an outfit out of her closet, she pulled the items on without a fuss, black jeans and a white ripped shirt. Letting her hair down, it flowed to the middle of her back, beach waves run throughout. Observing herself in the mirror opposite, she mentally nodded to herself. Not bothering with makeup, she left her skin natural. The only evidence of bruising now was a slight yellowy shadow under her eye. It didn’t bother her anymore, people knew the truth, and there was no point in hiding now.

Without a sound, she was out of her room and down the stairs to the kitchen. "Hey Ka." Dustin greeted with a large smile. He may not see his little sister has much as he would like, he cared about her, and seeing her in the state she was in because of Nate, killed him. When they were kids, Kaia was always the one who didn’t care about anything, but she loved helping others. If one of her friends was going through a bad time, she would always be there them, she was reliable. She cared about the people she loved.

It was shame to see her good heart go to waste. "Morning." Kaia mumbled, opening the fridge door and pulled out a bottle of water. Taking the cap off she took a big glug of the ice-cold water. 

"You alright?" April asked worried as she stirred a pan of eggs, cooking them to perfection. Just the way Kaia liked it.

Nodding lazily, Kaia faked a smile. "I'm fine." Turning her back on the pair, she walked back up the stairs without another word.

Watching her with widened eyes, April spoke. "You not eating breakfast?" She called after her. April knew there was something on her mind, she knew Kaia inside and out.

 "I'm not hungry." Kaia shrugged, continuing with her journey back to her room. Shutting the wooden door behind her, she plopped down on her bed, a loud sigh escaping her mouth. She held her phone again, taking it off charge; she saw a text from Skyler.

Don't go to school. 

It said. Drawing her eyebrows in, she tilted her head to the side, confused. Typing back a quick reply asking why and hit send.

Because something's happened! 

Skyler replied back within seconds. Something was wrong Kaia knew that. Starting a panic, she decided to call her best friend. Holding the device to her ear, the receiver rang annoyingly, waiting for her to answer. "What K?" Skyler spat the moment she picked up.

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