{Chapter 29}

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Moral: You deserve to reach out for help when you want it. There is always someone there for you

Samuel let out a wolf-whistle upon Lyric and Chase's entrance into the Manor, sweaty and disheveled. Lyric smacked him upside the head, "Don't start." He shrugged innocently. "I need a shower," Lyric acknowledged, looking at the two boys. She started up the staircase. "We were cloud-watching Samuel!" Chase yelled defensively, throwing his hands in the air at Samuel's teasing expression.

"Lyric!" Evelyn called as Lyric opened the door to her room. "Luna," Lyric greeted with a respectful bow. "I'm ecstatic. Harry agreed to the idea of having a barbecue," Evelyn grinned cheerily, "We will also be inviting Blue Moon Pack and Crystal Cove Rogues." 

Lyric's eyes lit up at the mention of the Rogue Pack, "Alec's coming?" Evelyn nodded. "Thank you so much!" Lyric exclaimed in bliss. Luna Evelyn waved off the thanks. "Luna," Lyric began cautiously. "Yes?" Evelyn worriedly asked, acknowledging her tone of voice. 

"I've been having some trouble sleeping and Chase suggested I sleep in his room until I can sleep well again. I was wondering if I may have the permission?" Lyric told her in a surprisingly even tone. Evelyn laughed, taking a hold of Lyric's hand, "He's your Mate. You don't need to seek permission." 

"I didn't think it would be right not to inform you," Lyric responded with great relief. Evelyn hugged Lyric and headed toward the kitchen. Lyric entered her room, throwing her head back, thinking, 'Why was that so frightening?' 

Lyric entered the bathroom and stripped. The cool water washed the grime and sweat away, leaving a refreshing feeling on her. Lyric put on a baggy t-shirt and sweatpants before treading downstairs for dinner. She was starving. 

"Hey," Lyric greeted Felicity, as she set a bowl of vegetables on the table. "Looks like Lyric is overly-excited for tonight," Samuel teased, batting his eyelids like a girl. "Tonight?" Lyric repeated with genuine confusion, looking between Chase, Samuel and Roxanne. 

"You'll be sleeping with me," Chase reminded. His cheeks reddened deeply with each word. "Oh right," Lyric awkwardly replied. "Can you feel the looooove tonight?" Samuel swayed and sang in a dreamy voice. Chase shot him a glare. Roxanne then began chatting with Lyric about books, diverting attention from Chase. 

As the dinner ended, Samuel claimed that he was tired and wanted to retire early and Melissa wanted to talk to Roxanne. Chase and Lyric were left alone, shyly glancing at each other. "Bed?" Chase inquired, grasping Lyric's hand. She hesitantly nodded. Chase guided her up the stairs and into his room. 

Chase's room was painted in a mint green colour. The floor was fluffy grey carpet and the furniture had impressive beauty. Chase's king-sized bed was covered in white sheets and on the opposite wall, there was a flat screen television. To the corner of Chase's bed, there was a work desk with papers, books and pens, scattered. The beautiful window view overlooked the gardens. 

Usually Chase slept shirtless because werewolves had more body heat than humans. However, he did not want to discomfort Lyric. The mere thought of her body locked to his drove him insane beyond belief. He fought his lustful thoughts and returned to his gentleman behaviour.

He could not hide his look of pure adoration at Lyric, standing there, nervously in her pyjamas and carefully observing the room. "Do you want to watch some TV?" Chase sweetly offered. "Yeah, I'd like that," Lyric agreed. Chase plopped down on his head and grabbed the remote, "Sit down, Nightshade. My bed doesn't swallow people alive."

Lyric snorted, gently sitting on the bed. Chase leaned over, took her knees and dragged her toward him. "Aye!" Lyric cried, as she was shoulder to shoulder with Chase. "Let's watch Looney Tunes. I love that show," Chase laughed, smoothly putting his arm lightly around Lyric. He 

"How cliche," she commented with amusement. "Sorry," he sheepishly began removing his arm. "Leave it," Lyric said in mock annoyance. Chase's heart lurched in joy; she was letting him touch her! "You like my touch?" he whispered with his lips close to her neck. 

"I will snap your neck, Chase Arden." Lyric threatened with a death glare. They were closer than she thought. "You didn't deny it," Chase noted happily. "Neither did I agree," Lyric retaliated, looking at the television with a smirk. The rabbit and the duck were arguing, "Duck season!" "Rabbit season!" while the hunter looked confused at them both. 

"What did I watch?" Lyric asked Chase as the credits rolled out. "Look at life with a light heart, Lyric." Chase chuckled, switching off the television. "It's given me a reason to have no heart," Lyric softly replied, getting up and laying on the Cleopatra seat, resting her head on the pillow. It was uncomfortable but she knew Chase's lingering scent would lull her to sleep.

"What are you doing?" Chase questioned, crossing his arms at her. "Going to sleep" Lyric answered with a 'duh' tone. "On that uncomfortable thing? Get on the bed, Lyric." Chase instructed. "I'm not sleeping with you!" Lyric shot up, irked. 

"You're in my room so it does count as sleeping with me. Just get on the bed and let's both be comfortable," Chase rubbed his eyes and gestured to the bed. "No thank you," Lyric curtly muttered. 

"You're here because I want to take care of you during a night terror. I'm a heavy sleeper with a huge bed. That means you have to be close to me," Chase explained. "Will you come now?" Lyric groaned at him softly, mainly because he had a valid point. She wordlessly rose and lined the extra pillows to act as a barrier between them. 

Chase's eyebrows rose at the unnecessary action. "Precautions," she defended. Chase thought he saw a faint rosy colour on her cheek but it disappeared when he blinked. He chuckled at her, before helping her into bed and covering her body with the blanket. 

He ran his hand along her arm and pecked her forehead. Chase turned off the lights with a 'flick' and climbed into bed himself. "Good night, Chase." Lyric whispered. "Good night, Lyric." Chase replied with a yawn.


Just a little fluff and otp moments. The name of the Looney Tunes episode was 'Duck season, rabbit season' I believe /.\  Terribly sorry for the late update <3 I hope it was worth the wait ^^ <3

-Nightthinker ©||2017  

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