{Chapter 2}

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Moral: Some people will enter your life like a speeding arrow and will change your direction and perspective forever. 

Two young beautiful girls of about fourteen; Felicity, a shy Omega and Hope, a Beta's daughter, strolled toward the Eclipse Manor, happily chattering away. Zack was running out Territory and he stopped. His eyes were clouded with lust.

Without thinking, he shifted to his human form, naked and grasped Hope's arm. She gave a squeak of terror, frantically trying to escape his grip. He pinned her hands behind her back firmly and slowly unzipped her dress. He desperately needed some release.

Hope's face morphed into one of horror as the cool air hit her bare back. She produced a loud scream, thrashing. Felicity backed away with wide eyes, also letting out a scream of horror at the sight of her best friend in this pervert's grip. "Shut up!" Zack commanded, pulling out the dagger and pointing toward Felicity.

The scream alerted the sensitive hearing of the Eclipse Pack members who rushed out to see the disgusting scene. Intense anger engulfed them like a flaming sheet. Furious growls of protection escape their throats. Even the Rogue heard and gave a defeated sigh, curiosity winning over. The Rogue rushed toward the sound of the scream, camouflaging herself in bushes and trees.

"DON'T TOUCH HER!!!" the deep voice of a man roared. He was Beta Will. He had neatly combed blonde hair and was tall. His arm was draped around his Mate, Beta Female Talia. Both their eyes glowed, indicating their wolf was in control and close to shifting.

Zack clicked his tongue and waved his dagger on the girl's bare back, causing her tears to fall. The dagger had not caused any harm to her but frightened her tremendously. "She's quite a beauty," he whispered huskily, moving his lips closer to her skin. "Please let me go," Hope sobbed, struggling.

This vile action made the Rogue let out a ferocious growl. Concealed in the flora, the Rogue was imagining the worst possible methods to harm Zack. Through this trend of thought, the bow and arrow was positioned and in one accurate motion; the speeding arrow hit Zack's forearm, more specifically near his radial artery.

Zack pushed the girl forward as a reflex action and the dagger fell. Immediately two Gamas rushed to restrain him. "WHERE THE HECK DID THAT COME FROM?!" Zack growled, putting pressure on the wound. Blood was gushing out uncontrollably. One of the Gamas landed a strong punch onto the left side of his face which was sure to leave a bruise. 'Serves him right,' The Rogue thought triumphantly.

Beta Will and Beta Female Talia embraced their sobbing daughter tightly, whispering soothing words of comfort to her. It was the worst nightmare of a parent to see their child in peril and unable to do anything.

"Where the fuck did he come from?" Beta Will hissed angrily. Tears welled in Talia's eyes. "More importantly, where did the arrow come from?" Felicity inquired shakily as her twin brother, Felix embraced her protectively, "Every Pack member was inside so none of us could've shot it from that angle..."

Suspicious glances were being thrown in the Rogue's direction but no one was close enough to notice the dark figure. The entire Pack was shaken but tried to pull together and console the girl. Nothing like that had ever occurred at their Pack and that worried them. Rogues were not a problem in this part of the country.

The brown wolf from the Training Room was behind the crowd. She barked, making everyone's attention fall to her. "Sophia?" Luna Evelyn asked. Luna Evelyn was a beautiful woman with white blonde hair and a motherly touch. Her charismatic personality can easily make anyone like her. She had an elegant stance of power.

Their eyes had a slight white coating, meaning that they were mind-linking. Mind-linking is the connection of the spirit wolves in Packs which enables all Pack members to mentally communicate. 'There's another Rogue. They stole some weaponry and knocked me out.' Sophia explained.

"There's another one?!" Luna Evelyn cried aloud in terror. The fighters of the Pack formed a protective circle around the cluster of members. The Shadow Rogue stayed to watch the scene unfold despite knowing that leaving is the wisest thing to do. She was this 'other one' after all.

At this moment, a black Audi entered into the driveway. A strong force rooted the Rogue to that spot with eyes glued on the car. "Alpha's back from the Meeting. He needs to know bout this," commanded Luna Evelyn.

An attractive man in his early fifties stepped out the car. He had light green eyes and neatly combed dark brown hair. His warm smile turned into a concerned frown due to the crowd of Pack members in the field. There was a kind and strong authoritative aura around him.

After the Alpha, his son exited the vehicle. He simply looked like a younger version of his father. His eyes were like honey that could paralyze any girl with messy dark brown hair, complete with a boyish grin. He had a sharp jawline and a well-defined Adam's apple. He was not lanky nor muscular but somewhere in the middle.

He made the Rogue's heart rate beat like a runaway train. The Rogue's mind was clouded by his scent of fresh grass and new books. Her grey eyes began to glow silver and her body was barely in her control. That was Him. That was the one chosen for her.

Alpha Harry's son also obtained the best scent he ever had in his life. It was of rain and almonds. He knew it was Her. His honey eyes glowed gold. Excitement clouded his senses as his eyes searched desperately for his Mate. The Rogue growled loudly, standing up and this ensured their glowing eyes connected.

They simultaneously growled out, "Mate." This word, spoken from their future Alpha's lips made the entire Pack silent. The Rogue was frozen and incapable of movement with one thought in mind, 'Fuck.'

-Nightthinker ©||2017  

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