{Chapter 8}

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Moral: "The great thing about new friends is that they bring new energy to your soul." ~Shanna Rodriguez

Grumbling unhappily, morning cleared the next day and Lyric dressed herself in a shirt and jeans. "I'm ready to suffer," she drawled without emotion. "YAY!" The three cheered excitedly in unison. Lyric knew that she was going to have a long day with these three girly she-wolves at the mall.

Roxanne drove the blue Bugatti to the human mall, located on the outskirts of the city. Lyric became much more tolerant, as I should put it, toward the cheeriness of the girls. All except Lyric were bobbing their heads to the music and screaming out the lyrics to 'Fix You' by Coldplay.

Lyric was paying close attention to the lyrics. Reminiscing, Lyric's mood softly plummet at:

'And the tears come streaming down your face. When you lose something you can't replace, when you love someone but it goes to waste, could it be worse?'

Amelia tapped her shoulder to snap Lyric out of her thoughts. They exited the car and entered the mall happily. It was crowded with humans and occasional Pack werewolves, bustling everywhere.

The noise was a blur of talking all at once. There were hundreds of stores in the building. Lyric had never been to a mall and the intensity of the sound gave her an instant headache. Roxanne immediately linked hands with Lyric, gave a smirk to Melissa and Amelia and off they went.

The first stop was at Victoria's Secret to purchase undergarments for Lyric. She did not enjoy the attention being placed on her body. Many of the human ladies in the store were shamelessly mocking her facial scar. Lyric, not wanting to attract attention, shoved the hurtful insults aside and minded her own business. It was obvious who would win between a werewolf and a petite human. The other three looked worriedly at Lyric but she waved off their concern.

Next store was Forever 21 where Lyric basically tried three quarters of the items in there. No matter how the girls tried to persuade Lyric, she always chose something long to cover her entire body and she refused to try a dress. She also refused purchasing any sort of make up, claiming it was a waste of money and time. Her style was tomboyish, simple and comfortable.

It was already twelve o'clock sharp. The she-wolves had to eat something. They ventured to the food court at the small pizza stall where Amelia ordered. Lyric insisted she wasn't hungry although she hadn't eaten since the night before. Being a Rogue, she wasn't used to three nutritious meals daily. Roxanne, Melissa and Amelia consumed the medium sized pizza within ten minutes.

After nine other stores, the she wolves were practically drowning in shopping bags. Lyric acquired fourteen shirts and blouses (together), three over sized jackets, seven pairs of jeans, two joggers and a scarf. Roxanne and Amelia spotted 'cute dresses' which they bought for themselves and Melissa bought a crop top that was not too indecent. It was time to head back to Eclipse Ray Pack Territory.

Fortunately, any remaining tension existing between Lyric and most Eclipsers was resolved in an agreement which neither of them can describe. Everyone had accepted the fact that Lyric was a cold, mysterious and emotionless female Rogue who was their future Alpha's mate. Yet, there was a certain amount of goodness and authority in her that allowed them to picture her as Luna.

 As Lyric's curls hit her pillow, she realized she warmed up to the girls and made her very first friends. 'Maybe things could start going right for a change.' With that optimistic thought, sleep overtook her senses.  

* * * * * * * * * *

Lyric, however, was actually paranoid by so many kind smiles which greeted her as she gracefully tread down the staircase from the bedrooms of the Eclipse Manor to the kitchen. 

"Good morning Lyric," Felicity's angelic voice wished from behind her. She turned around and nodded curtly at Felicity and wished her a good morning. "I'll organize the breakfast," Felicity offered. "No, I'm not hungry," Lyric told her firmly.

Reluctantly, Lyric's eyes couldn't help but scan the room for a sight of her mate. She wasn't even getting his scent. With a small giggle, Luna Evelyn pointed upstairs, "Lyric, please go wake him. If it was up to him, he'd sleep all year. He should've been a bear instead of a wolf." Felicity took up a breakfast tray and held it out to Lyric.

Deciding to play dumb, she inquired, "Who am I supposed to wake?" Giving a playful push in the direction of the staircase, Luna Evelyn winked, "You know who!" "Voldemort? Is it such a good idea to wake Voldemort?" Her tone was so dry that some wolves who heard burst out into laughter.

Alpha Harry shoved the tray in her hands with a smirk, "Are you too shy to face our son?" Her reaction gave away another personality trait. "I'm NOT frickin shy, especially not to him." To prove the Alpha wrong, she grabbed the breakfast and made her way upstairs, knocking on his door once.

After four minutes, she knocked again with more impatience. There was no sound indicating the door was about to be open. Lyric rolled her eyes and opened the door that was carelessly unlocked. Her eyes widened with the sight.


Hi Hi everyone, I hope y'all are enjoying my story. The gif ^ is supposed to represent Melissa and Amelia Arden. Thank you for reading <3

-Nightthinker ©||2017   

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