{Chapter 1}

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{Quick Author's Note: I'd suggest y'all start reading DTL from chapter one because I've done some serious editing}

Moral: In the end, you've got to be your own hero because everyone is busy trying to save themselves. Happiness has to come from within you. 


Lillith was breathing heavily as though she had been running. Her broom was tossed to a side. She sat below the thick canopy of leaves with a blue crystal ball in her hand, peering around every few minutes. 

She took out a long black wooden stick which was in fact, a wand. For Lillith was no ordinary mortal, she was a witch. She rotated the crystal ball in a circular motion above her head.Her striking deep purple eyes were weary but she fluttered them close nonetheless. 

She inhaled then began speaking in fluent Latin, "Eminentia virtutis praeterita, praesentia et futura, da mihi prophetiae." (Powerful crystal of the past, present and future, give me the prophecy.)

A white smoke spread throughout the crystal ball until it floated above Lillith's hands and exploded into tiny pieces. The pieces surrounded Lillith and formed a large orb around her. It prevented anything else from entering. 

Lillith suddenly opened her eyes but they were glowing white. She was in a trance and her raspy voice spoke, "The twin heirs of the last pure Lycans have come of age. A dark force of envy will take its first step today. Both heirs will die. But one will rise from the dead and return to claim sovereignty. It will bring forth a vicious war that marks the dawn or doom of a new era."

The white faded into purple and Lillith was out of the trance. Her protection barrier was now broken. The prophecy foretold a war and the massacre of her best friend's Pack. Her best friend was a werewolf. Her Pack is the last family of Lycans and most powerful of all. Lycans were said to be descendants of the Moon Goddess and therefore are believed to have the purest blood.  

With a pale and panicked face, she tucked her wand into her robe and sat on her broom, flying at full speed toward the Blood Howler Pack where an unstoppable calamity was about to befall.

***Twenty years later***

The setting sun formed a peach almost purple rays on the land below. Darkness was creeping in stealthily like a thief not wanting to make a sound. The flowers bent their heads as though they were off to sleep. It was a regular sunset in the Eclipse Ray Pack. Everyone was finishing up their daily responsibilities and heading to the Eclipse Manor, the Pack House  where there was a delicious dinner was prepared for the hungry werewolves.

Unknown and unexpected by many, much activity was occurring in the prison cells of the Territory. The Rogue had already picked the heavy metal lock on the cell door with an escape plan in mind - run as fast as you fucking can. 

"Shut up Zack," the Rogue hissed at her so called accomplice. Zack instantly hushed. She knew nothing of his existence until two days ago when she was thrown into Zack's cell to face trials the next day for trespassing on Territory. 

However, Zack knew her. Every supernatural creature in the world knew who she was - the Shadow Rogue. She had the status for being the most dangerous Rogue in the world. All information known about her was her gender. 

The nickname 'Shadow Rogue' was given because of her large black leather jacket with a black hat, a black cloth covering her nose area downward and a pair of black leather boots - a very concealing and mysterious appearance. 

Zack was also a rogue. He was an unusually short werewolf with grubby skin and large watery eyes. He had a large bald spot in the middle of his greying hair. 

"This is like THE worst Pack Security System ever!" The Rogue murmured shocked as they exited the prison without much difficulty. The Guards were in their staff room, having dinner and would not be expecting an escape. Zack grinned and waved stupidly to the security camera. The Rogue smacked him upside the head furiously, "Don't you dare get us in trouble!"

Both Rogues moved swiftly and secretively through the Territory, having mini-seizures when they spot Eclipsers. They were fearful of being caught ;  watching their backs was essential. Their scents were not incredibly outstanding but they still had to be mindful. "Where to?" Zack stuttered, fearful of being caught. "Training Room for defenses," the Rogue suggested.

Upon reaching the Training Room, there was a single brown wolf leaping through the obstacle course, too engrossed in her movements to notice the two Rogues. Analyzing her aura, the Rogue realized that she was a Gama or Warrior Wolf.

The brown wolf noticed the presence of the Rogues and whined submissively. Zack sauntered up to her and threw her against a wall. "What a pup," Zack sneered. 'What an ass,' the Rogue thought with rolled eyes. She bent down to the unconscious wolf to ensure her pulse was still working.

Her attention was then drawn admiring the Training weaponry of the Pack. Various styles of knives, swords, daggers, spears, guns and bows and arrows were categorically arranged on the wall.

The Rogue took a couple knives and secured them in her leather boots. A bow and quiver of arrows were placed inside the jacket. Zack took a few daggers. He stated that he was too experienced as a fighter to let anyone defeat him.

"This is where we separate", the Rogue sternly announced at the entrance to the forest. "Nice doin business with ya", Zack proclaimed, putting out his hand for a shake. The Rogue completely ignored the gesture. Zack rolled his eyes, shifted and dashed away.


Oi y'all! I'm Nightthinker and I'm new to Wattpad :') This is my very first story and I hope I get positive feedback ^^ Thanks for reading! Please vote and leave comments. I want to ensure I do this right <3

-Nightthinker ©||2017   

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