{Chapter 20}

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Moral: "Lies and secrets, they are like a cancer in the soul. They eat away what is good and leave only destruction behind." ~Cassandra Claire

As soon as Eclipsers entered their Territory, everyone felt a certain weariness wash over them. No one was awake by midnight. That is, no one but Lyric and Chase. They lay down in their own bed, wide awake, constantly tossing and turning and letting out groans of frustration.

Yes, they were both dead tired but their minds were racing with random thoughts about the events of that day. Chase was unable to sleep because he constantly was worried about what Lyric thought of him. He let his past kiss him! Lyric was unable to sleep because her insecurities clawed at her mind. She felt like the past was repeating itself.

Simultaneously, our beloved one true pairing decided on going for a night stroll, thinking they would be alone to calm their restless minds. The forlorn sounds of animals merged into one thick note. The stars shone like diamonds, carefully positioned in the night sky. The moonlight gave somewhat enough light for vision and the ground was damp from the drizzle that occurred a little earlier.

Chase entered into the garden, surprised to see the lights on. As he peered further, he saw his Mate, rubbing her hands against her arms out of the chill. "Lyric," he called before he could stop himself and think. As his amber eyes connected to her icy ones, the pair stopped short.

Lyric's posture tensed, her bandaged fists were clenched and her jaw was tightened as she glowered at him. Chase gulped nervously as he moved to sit on the opposite side of her. Lyric shot up and was about to leave but he beat her to the exit and blocked her. Once more, she crashed into him. Once more, he took her by the waist to steady her and once more, the sparks engulfed their bodies.

"Move," Lyric instructed, springing out of his arms. She refused to look him in the eyes. "Lyric," he repeated but could not find words to describe his feelings. "What? Your record is stuck?" Lyric hissed venomously. "I'm sorry," he whispered worriedly,"What happened?" "It was an effective way to keep myself from ripping out your girlfriend's throat," Lyric declared coldly. "She's my ex," Chase whispered.

"Oh my fuck Chase! It's not you! Life right about now is fucking annoying me," Lyric seethed as she ran her hands through her hair. She went back to the wooden bench and sat down. She could have very well kicked his ass for blocking her exit but she chose not to. Why? She herself was unaware.

"Mind explaining why?" Chase pressed concernedly, once more taking the seat opposite hers. He leaned forward so that his elbows were resting on his knees. Lyric breathed and mumbled almost embarrassed, "I can't foresee anything." "YOU'RE A SEER?!" Chase exclaimed.

"No, you fucking moron," Lyric stated rolling her eyes, "I mean like before I came here, I knew what to expect from others, I knew how to read others, I knew how to appeal to others or piss them off completely. With you, it's different and that's annoying. You're so bloody unpredictable. I just don't know what's going to happen next!"

"I'm sorry for being myself?" Chase apologized with a questioning tone. Lyric groaned frustrated, throwing her head back. "That's sexy," Chase admitted out loud instead of in his head. His eyes went wide and he began stuttering, "I- um- I-I'm so s-orry. I didn't-"

"It's getting stronger, isn't it?" Lyric inquired softly, finally looking him in the eyes willingly. "Yeah," Chase whispered, knowing that she was indeed talking about the Mate Bond strengthening between them. "We've already done steps one and three," he stated, before actually realizing that they completed the second two steps of the Mating Process.

It was quite a simple yet beautiful process. Step one - Mates meet and have eye contact which is very crucial for identifying their beloveds. Step two - They accept each other whole-heartedly. Step three - They kiss. This can be done anywhere on the body. Step four - Marking which means biting the shoulder of your Mate during Mating which is sex.

But when you have a relationship like Lyric and Chase, things get complicated. "We've already done steps one and three," Lyric repeated as the cold reality hit her like a ton of bricks. She ran her hands through her black hair again. "We'll start taking things slow," Chase told her. She nodded in agreement.

"I have a few more questions," Chase murmured sheepishly. "What are they?" Lyric asked, grateful for the change of topic. "What's your favourite movie?" Chase asked. "I've never really had time for movies, Chase," Lyric snorted, "what's yours?" Chase gave a lop-sided grin, "Well, it's Twilight." Lyric did a double take. "I'm kidding. It's probably Conjuring. Not quite sure." Chase defended.

"What's your favourite flower?" he questioned. "Bluebells, yours?" Lyric absent-mindedly replied. "Lotuses," he answered. Lyric's eyes darted up to his and a very ghost of a smile appeared on her lips, "Just like my mother." Chase took in the very small smile she produced and thought of how beautiful she would look with a full grin.

Chase decided on asking, "What weapon is your favourite?" Lyric's eyes lit up brightly and he did a mental sigh of relief. "Different weapons are for different occasions. I know how to use all so that's like asking me to choose my favourite pups but I'd say bow and arrow," Lyric spoke. "Right. I like swords," Chase commented.

Biting his lip, he asked the question that had been gnawing on his insides since he met Lyric, "How many did you kill?" Lyric's light aura transformed into something unreadable. She stood and walked to the exit, looking back to him. She chuckled darkly and bitterly, "Hundreds of them, Chase. Survival of the fittest." Her gaze went to her palms that had been coated with blood, "See you at Training."

Chase sat dumb-founded but he was unable to believe his Mate but slaughter innocents. After saving Hope, many of the Pack wolves trusted her and that was the main reason he wanted to give her a chance, to get to know her, to love her. He was not giving up. He was determined to find out the dark secrets she held.

Lyric went straight into her room, leaving the light on. She covered her head and a soft sob escaped her lips but no tears fell, she didn't allow them to. Her sleep that night was plagued by nightmares of the rustic scent of blood, the screams of terror and the loss that changed her life forever.


Yes, I am evil. This is a cliffhanger but dear reader, Lyric's past is something I will later reveal to you. Have patience. I guarantee its worth the wait! <3

-Nightthinker ©||2017   

Dare to Love | DiscontinuedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora