{Chapter 24}

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Moral: People hold onto memories so tightly because memories don't change even when the people in them do.

"Your relationship hasn't gotten far, has it?" Alec raised an eyebrow. "No, but I know certain things about her," Chase mumbled. "It's not my place to say but I do know what happened. She was so fragile when we met. I'm proud of how strong she has become," Alec reflected. "May I know how you met?" Alec smiled genuinely as he recollected the moment that changed his life for the best. He tried his best to explain snippets to Chase.

***Flashback - six years ago***

The night was stormy and dark. Lightening flashed across the sky followed by a peal of rumbling thunder but there was no rain yet. A shivering malnourished fifteen year old Lyric held onto her body, taking small steps toward the heavenly aroma of cooked meat she was getting. She wore a ragged dress and her body was littered in cuts. She peaked out from the brush that hid her well to see a piece of some sort of meat being roasted.

Lyric gave a cry of relief, honestly thinking that she was hallucinating about the food. She looked around and rushed forward. She licked her lips hungrily as she reached for the meat in a scared manner, pulling back quickly when it burnt her fingers. "Who are you?" a hoarse voice demanded.

Her body stiffened in fear as a knife was placed to her throat that prevented her from moving any further. The hoarse voice belonged to none other than Alec who was away from his Pack of Rogues to survey an area where they could attack other Packs. "I-I'm sorry. I was just h-hungry," Lyric whispered. Fresh tears fell from her eyes. Her body shivered from the cold and fear.

Upon hearing the soft feminine voice, Alec spun around the figure to see the terrified young she-wolf with such a painful scar. He dropped the knife in shock and she backed away slowly, attempting to run. Due to weakness, she stumbled and began hyperventilating. Alec scooped the fragile Lyric into his arms where she began sobbing and begging him to let her go.

He carried Lyric into his temporary residence - a nearby cave. He placed Lyric onto the corner while her sobs continued as she shielded herself. He provided her with a blanket and lit a small lantern, placing it near her feet. As he advanced toward her, she jumped. He gave her a sympathetic look before going back outside. Lyric's head hurt and she was frightened out of her mind.

Alec approached Lyric with a leaf that served as a plate for a meal of fresh vegetables and piece of the cooked meat. "I'm not going to hurt you, little one," he gently reassured her, pushing the food toward her, "It's perfectly alright." To prove he hadn't tampered with the food, he ate a small morsel before giving her an expectant look.

"Dear, when last has it been since you ate?" he questioned her concernedly. "A few weeks," she sounded unsure before starting to cry again, "I can't remember." "You need to get something into your system. Can you do that for me please?" he asked her gently. It was like trying not to scare off a rabbit.

Lyric meekly nodded before taking a small morsel into her mouth. Adapting to the taste, she hungrily cleared the entire leaf. "Do you feel better?" he inquired with care. She nodded, giving him a half assed smile but it was the best she could muster. "Why are you out in this darkness alone? Where's your Pack?" he asked her worriedly.

Her lip quivered and her body violently shook as she let out heartbreaking sobs, explaining her sorrowful life story to Alec, a Rogue she just met. She let out her frustrations, concerns, anger and deep sadness that consumed her existence. "I'm going to take care of you," he promised her sincerely. "I don't know how but I believe you. I'm desperate for someone who cares." she whispered brokenly.

***Flashback over***

A soft 'oh' was the only thing Chase could muster saying at that moment. If Lyric had been through so much that he didn't know about, he should understand why she is the way she is. "I never thought she went through loneliness like that," he admitted.

"How did you two separate?" he curiously interrogated. Remembering the incident that separated him from his daughter made bitterness develop in his tone as he gave Chase a brief explanation while having everything fresh in his mind.

***Flashback - four years ago***

Though they mastered the Rogue life, Lyric and Alec were bound against the wall of a Pack prison cell. The pair were plotting to escape the following night. As the evening progressed, the Alpha of the Pack came to tease and annoy the father-daughter duo. Lyric had very much unwillingly pulled him into a kiss and fished the keys from his belt with a thin flexible piece of metal she found. It was strategically placed on her waist. Alec had himself free in a jiffy and freed Lyric straight after.

Just when they thought their plan was successful, they were surrounded by Guardians and Betas ready to attack and kill. "My biological Pa said to use your instincts when fighting," Lyric advised worriedly. "I think it's time we do that," Alec hit an uppercut to a Beta and so the fight began. Lyric fought as well as any full grown male Alpha and Alec himself had trouble keeping up with her.

Suddenly, it was as though all the wolves lunged for Alec. "Lyric, go get the Pack!" he hollered at her as a sharp teeth ripped his thigh. Lyric was terribly afraid of losing someone else and she obliged. Running at high speed, through the darkness of the night, she was followed by the Alpha and some other wolves.

Lyric climbed up a rock structure that had its edge over a large waterfall. Lyric was terrified and she made a split-second decision of diving into the unknown depths below. The wolves were surprised and thinking, she was dead, they walked away. Lyric was struggling in the murky water as the currents pulled and pushed her. She spluttered and coughed.

She was pushed to the left and she hit her head on a rock which left her dizzy. Within minutes, Lyric lost consciousness as her body temperature deteriorated rapidly. The next day, Lyric miraculousy woke up alarmed.

Her entire body was sore but soon howls ripped through the silence. Lyric did not have time to recover or worry about Alec because she was already on her feet, pushing her muscles to the maximum as she ran. After about a five kilometres, the howls ceased.

She had no idea how long she was running or where she was going. Her mind became fuzzy and she collapsed again and woke in a completely new environment. She sat weeping for the entire day for she had lost another father and thought she would not be able to survive Yet, she did. Lyric wanted to go back but a depressing realization hit her, 'I only cause pain to those I love.' And so, she hid her kindness in coldness.

Meanwhile Alec had used his clever trickery to escape his confinements but when he returned to the Crystal Cove Rogues, asking where was Lyric. He was greeted with the answer that they thought she was with him. They had not seen her since the pair went away. Alec too faced an undeniable pain because of his missing daughter. But he did not fail to realize that those who love each other are never separated ; he kept faith that they will meet again.


A small snippet into Lyric's past. I think this teaches us not to be judgemental because everyone who walked this earth was facing some kind of unheard battle within themselves.

-Nightthinker ©||2017

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