{Chapter 3}

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Morals: Everything happens for a reason. One day, all the pieces will fall into place.

The future Alpha pointed at the Rogue's exact location. To prove innocence, the Rogue had to walk out with a bow and arrow in hand. Hushed whispers passed around between Pack members.

Both the Alpha's son and the Rogue felt as though they consumed a swarm of butterflies and the air around them was limited. It was as though time had stopped just to savour that one moment where they felt like they were the only two people in the world. It felt magical, unreal even.

For the rest, the atmosphere was actually tense and many were positioned to attack. The Rogue was the Hope's saviour. It seemed highly unlikely. 

"Chase, what's going on?" the Alpha asked his son bewildered, keeping a firm gaze on the Rogue. "Wait, aren't you the one locked up two days ago?" The Alpha interrogated with shock. The Rogue walked forward quite calmly. She enjoyed the fact that her every movement set everyone on edge and could barely resist the urge to say 'Boo'.

"That," Chase gesturing to the Rogue in disbelief, "is my Mate...but I'm straight..." He trailed off in a questioning tone. His eyes shifted between his Mate and his Pack. The Pack was horrified and highly confused. It was incredibly rare for a werewolf not to be straight. 

At this, the Rogue snorted, "Yes, I was the one and don't be a sexist." The Rogue removed the heavy leather jacket to reveal a black body suit that outlined a feminine figure. Her body language held a sense power and authority that seemed impossible for a female.

The Rogue removed the hood to let loose a head of long, unruly, elegant black curls tied into a high ponytail and allowed better vision to a pair of icy blue eyes sheltered by long eyelashes.

Her gaze could shake the four corners of the world and make someone wish the ground would swallow them whole. The Rogue finally removed the cloth placed over her face to reveal her pink lips forming a scowl under her nose. There was the noticeable white trace of a scar that ran from her left eye to the left side of her lip. Unlike any other she-wolf, she was not happy about finding her Mate.

Chase was completely entranced by her appearance but sensed her personality was going to cause trouble. "I-I'm Chase-" Chase stopped and licked his lips, walked toward her and began again, "I'm Chase Arden, future Alpha of the Eclipse Ray Pack... and you are?"

"I'm the Shadow Rogue," she introduced herself. A thick silence followed. The Alpha and Luna exchanged worried glances while gasps came from the Pack. To the Rogue, their shocked expressions were priceless and very amusing. "Oh Moon Goddess, I've earned quite a reputation, haven't I?" A menacing smirk played on her lips.

"You're not the Shadow Rogue," Guardian Jace stepped forward with a daring smile, "The Shadow Rogue's a male wolf. It's rumours that he's a she." She chuckled and it made the hair of nape of Chase's neck stand, "Is this Pack really that sexist? Believe what you want. That does not alter the truth."

Chase cut off the argument, facing her, "You're the Shadow Rogue?" She twirled a strand of her hair with a raised eyebrow, "Do you doubt me?" "Not at all," Chase clarified, pausing for a second, "My Mate is the Shadow Rogue?"

She clicked her tongue, relieving herself of the bow and arrow by handing it to a Pack member. However, she positioned herself to allow easy access to the dagger in case something goes wrong. "I hate small talk. Reject me quickly 'cause I have things to do," she ignored the pang of loss that hit her as soon as the words escaped her lips.

She tried her hardest to push aside the fact that this day was bound to come. She was perfectly contented as the most feared lone assassin. She did not want to meet her Mate because acceptance would mean having to trust and love again and not to mention, responsibilities whilst rejection, on the other hand, would transform her into a cold-hearted monster and break her completely.

" I-," she lacked emotion as he spoke, " I can't reject her but I can't accept her either.." She gave an incredulous look to him. She would have laughed had the situation been different. "What are you playing at?" she snapped angrily. Chase was genuinely confused, "What do you mean?" She put air quotation marks, "can't reject but can't accept. So what the fuck is your plan?"

He ducked his head in shame, "I don't know." It had never happened before, in the entire history of werewolf kind, that an Alpha and a Rogue were Mates. "What I do know is that there is a reason why the Moon Goddess thought we fit together. I don't know what that is exactly but I'm willing to try and find out."

Chase turned to the Pack but before he could say anything Jace roared, "SHE'S THE FUCKING SHADOW ROGUE, CHASE! SHE KILLS, SHE KIDNAPS PUPS, SHE STEALS. SHE IS A BLOODTHIRSTY MONSTER." His tone became softer, "Just take a minute to realize that. How do you know she isn't using you to destroy our Pack?"

Chase growled to Jace, "Because she is my Mate." Jace's remarks put the Pack in an uproar. Eclipsers fired questions at their Leaders, "How do you know that she isn't going to rip our throats out at night?" "What if she's from an enemy Pack?!" "Can we really accept a Rogue as our Luna?" "She's the Shadow Rogue. She's committed disgusting acts."

Her entire demeanour changed at the word 'monster'. Her playfulness had disappeared and was replaced with actual danger. She lost all control and bared her teeth, rushing toward Jace. "I'm just as much of a monster as you. Do not judge me because I sin differently from you. You cannot survive through half of what I've lived. Be careful, killing you means nothing to me."

-Nightthinker ©||2017   

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