{Chapter 21}

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Moral: "Some people don't even understand the type of promises they make, but when you keep the promise anyway. That's what love is. Love is keeping the promise anyway." ~John Green

"Oh, no, I'm not going to kill her. I'm going to let her live in misery and torture and suffering. I'm going to let her beg for death because that will be her only safe haven," a sadistic gravelly voice roared within Lyric's mind. 

Lyric's eyes snapped open wildly as she looked around frantically. She unwillingly let out a soft strangled sob and leaped out of bed. The nightmare but was not just a regular nightmare but in fact, a gruesome memory.

Her thoughts were so engrossed in the memory that she subconsciously brushed her teeth, showered, dressed and entered the dining room for breakfast. The first thing Chase thought when he saw Lyric gracefully sit down, 'She smiled with me.'

Then, he remembered her answer to the following question and he felt nauseous. How could she look at living beings who have families, goals and lovers and end their life so heartlessly? He refused to believe it. There must have been a valid reason. He didn't feel like she lied either.

"Good morning," Roxanne chirped to Lyric who was completely unaware of her surroundings. "What?" Lyric asked dazedly, somewhat out of her trance. "I said good morning," Roxanne repeated slowly with a concerned tone. "Oh, morning," Lyric half-heartedly greeted. "You alright?" she inquired softly.

"Yeah," Lyric said, rubbing her eyes and wiping her face of emotion. "Hey," Samuel greeted her in her zombie like state. "Hi," Lyric whispered with a hoarse voice. "Everything okay?" Samuel inquired. Lyric rolled her eyes, "Yes, I'm fucking fabulous." Samuel nudged her softly, "C'mon, what's wrong?"

"Couldn't sleep," Lyric murmured, running her hands through her wild waves. Lyric did sleep but she rather never sleeping than having the night terrors starting again. Chase entered with a half eaten piece of toast and a glass of orange juice at hand. "I don't feel like eating right now," she whispered to Roxanne who was about to serve her.

"Today's our Training Session, Lyric. You should have something," Chase gently reminded, sensing something was wrong. Without a word or a glance, Lyric rose and went outside.Chase was about to follow but Roxannne held him back. Lyric strolled aimlessly until she carelessly plopped down on the grass under the shade of a tree. "Ouch," she grumbled, rubbing her rear end.

Her eyebrows furrowed as she caught a mild Rogue scent. She knew exactly who it was and with an incredible amount of happiness, she darted off at full speed. Frantically pushing aside branches and rushing ahead into a small clearing, she saw no sign of life in sight beside the vast expanse of grass. 

There was the loud sound of gushing sound of water. Lyric heightened her senses, deciding that a little exploring won't kill anyone. Following the sound, Lyric could not believe her eyes. There it was; the majestic rock structure with a large force of water gushing from about twelve feet in the air into a beautiful pool. It was the defining landform of the Eclipse Ray Pack.  

"I KNOW YOU'RE HERE!" She yelled as hard as she could. "IT'S ME. Please don't go away..." There was no way in hell she could search the entire perimeter. Finally, she gave up and left but not without turning back, "I MISSED YOU." She could have sworn she heard a terribly faint, "I missed you too."

Lyric practically skipped back to Eclipse Ray Pack Territory until she realized how utterly out of character she was being. With a deep breath, she blanked her emotions. She began walking toward the Pack House when she heard a playful growl from behind her. She spun around to see Kaitlynn in her small brown baby wolf form, nudging her ears to Lyric's foot.

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