{Chapter 28}

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Moral: You never know the true value of a special moment until it becomes a timeless memory and a treasure of the heart.

"It's a photo album," Lyric whispered, looking between the Luna and the book. She smiled gently, "Yes, it is but it's not just any other photo album. This one is special." Lyric nodded and prompted for her to continue. "It's filled with the most precious memories I've ever made in my lifetime. Harry and I made it for Chase," she explained. Her smile hadn't wavered and a giggle escaped her lips.

Lyric's lips turned upward but it was not a real smile. She had faintly remembered that her family had kept a similar photo album. Her mother had carried the enchanted camera everywhere she went. The photos produced were charmed to move by her mother's best friend whom was in fact, a witch. It was more like capturing the entire moment.

Luna Evelyn opened the book. On the first page, there was a page of writing ; one half belonged to Evelyn whilst the other belonged to Harry. Lyric swiftly skimmed through and felt a pang of loss hit her sharply. The entire page was just filled with love for Chase - how grateful they are for a son like him, how proud they are of him, how they will always be there for him. Lyric's mind and heart was smothered in nostalgia.

The first picture showed a teenage couple - Harry and Evelyn. Harry was on his knees and delivering a kiss on Evelyn's engagement ring. The second picture expressed Evelyn's bliss as she tackled Harry to the floor. It was evident that they were laughing. Lyric was memorizing each detail of the photos before her whilst Luna Evelyn was as red as a cherry.

Evelyn turned page by page. As much as Lyric was focused on the pictures and explanations, her mind had wandered to the memories she created with her maternal family. Life was simply wonderful for Lyric and her Pack. Unfortunately, that only lasted until Lyric was five years old.

Lyric snapped back onto reality when Luna Evelyn spoke up, "This was when I was pregnant. I believe it was about six months then." The picture depicted the Luna with a large stomach and the Alpha's hand gently placed on it. Lyric felt the excitement that radiated off the couple in waves.

'I wonder what our pups would look like,' Lyric subconsciously thought. She quickly realized what she thought and became embarrassed, 'Wait, what?! No, no, no.' "Something wrong?" Evelyn asked, noting Lyric's distance. "Uh...not at all," Lyric forced a smile.

The next picture showed Evelyn cradling newborn Chase Arden in her arms. Lyric gently touched the picture, "He never grew out of his adorableness, did he?" Evelyn winked and nudged Lyric, "I'm sure he'd be glad you think so." Lyric shook her head frantically, "I didn't mean-" "The Mate Bond is something you can never get away from. Not even by rejection," Evelyn stated solemnly but a playful smile was etched on her face.

The following pictures showed Chase in toddler form running around Pack Territory completely naked and waving his arms in the air with his father running behind him. A roar of laughter erupted from Evelyn whilst Lyric not so calmly covered her mouth with her hands. "I went out for the day and left Harry to care for Chase," Evelyn explained, catching her breath. Lyric turned the page.

The picture included every single member of the Eclipse Ray Pack outside. "It was a barbecue that Derek and Harry organized. Quite a lot of fun, might I add." Toddlers Chase and Sarina with arms wrapped around each other in the front row was what had drawn Lyric's attention. She bit the inside of her cheek, swallowing down her jealousy.

"How often do you all have stuff like this?" Lyric queried with interest. "Well, truth be told, that was just a one time thing for Harry's birthday. It was a surprise party and both Packs were in on it," Evelyn laughed, "It was quite a lot of fun." "Maybe you all could have one again," Lyric suggested, "I'd love to experience it and plus, your Pack deserves the relaxation." "Maybe we will. That's a fabulous idea, Lyric. You continue looking. I'll consult Harry," Evelyn rose enthusiastically. 

Lyric flipped the page clumsily, seeing Chase with a baggy t-shirt and shorts, playing soccer. Then, there was Chase in his glasses, sleeping on a science textbook. The entire album was filled with pictures of Chase. 

Lyric read the side-notes and was deeply engrossed in admiration of her Mate. 'Damn, he's really handsome,' she thought, biting her lips. 'No no nope,' she tried to convince her mind, 'Well, admiring silently isn't hurting anyone.' She couldn't control the silly blushes that painted itself on her cheek. Neither could she control her bursts of jealousy when she saw Sarina in a bikini, sitting in Chase's lap.

"What the heck are you doing to me?" Lyric questioned the last picture of Chase in the album, gently closing the book with a defeated sigh. He was smiling innocently and hugging onto a stuffed bear. Mind you, he was twenty at that time. 

She hugged the book close to her chest before putting it back in the cabinet where Luna Evelyn retrieved it from. Lyric sat down and rubbed her burning eyes. She decided to go outside and take a run.

* * * * * * * * *

"You run?" Chase's familiar voice questioned, walking up to Lyric. He was dressed in sweats and a loose t-shirt, like Lyric. "Out of patience, fucks and money, yes," she smirked, licking her lips. Her throat was as dry as the Sahara Desert and was starting to feel slightly dizzy but she pushed the feeling aside. 

"May I join?" Chase inquired, sticking his hands in his pockets. "Only if you can keep up," Lyric sassed, darting off instantly. "Hey! That's cheating!" Chase yelled, taking off after her, laughing. Lyric let out her scandalous laugh and quickened her pace. Chase kept a pace that was just behind Lyric.

Lyric suddenly felt like her lungs were being squeezed and black spots danced in her version. Chase noticed her drunken like movements and her slowing pace. He caught her before she could reach the ground and gently rested her upon the grass. He sat beside her, worriedly. She was panting and tried to slow her breathing.

"What the hell, Lyric?! How long have you been running in this heat? Have you eaten? Did you drink water? Are you okay?!" Chase bombarded her with questions, checking her pulse and feeling her forehead. She looked at him weirdly, "Chase, I'm fine. I did eat but I forgot to bring water and about two hours."

"Oh! I have water," he lifted the bottle toward Lyric's lips. She took a glance at his concerned face, "Don't frown like that. You'll get wrinkles." The cool liquid soothed her burning throat. "I was worried," he defended.

"Thank you. I'm fine," she reassured him, lying on her back in the grass. "This is quite relaxing," Lyric commented. Chase looked at her as if she had grown another head. She rolled her eyes and pulled his shoulder down. Chase crashed directly onto Lyric and their noses touched. Lyric looked up at him with alarmed eyes. 

Chase closed his eyes, savouring the moment before he got off Lyric. He positioned himself beside her. They were under a large shady oak tree and were able to look up at the sky and not get burnt alive. 

"That cloud looks like a lion," Chase thoughtfully began. "Remember...who you are..." Lyric purposely deepened her voice and imitated Mufasa from Lion King. Chase bursted out laughing. The pair spent the entire evening making sky-related puns and forming absurd shapes with the clouds until colours of orange, violet and baby pink became splattered into the sky. 

"We should head inside." Chase suggested. Before Lyric could react, Chase lifted her bridal style in his arms and began walking back to the Eclipse Manor. "Chase, put me down!" Lyric wiggled in his arms. "Shut up and let me carry you," he ordered playfully. Lyric did not know why, but she obeyed.

-Nightthinker ©||2017

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