{Chapter 25}

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Moral: It's not always the tears that measure pain. Sometimes, it's the smiles we fake.

Chase looked at Alec with a great regard. If it was not for Alec's guidance and good-heart, his Lyric might not even be alive. "I don't even know how to begin thanking you," Chase breathed softly, still in immense shock.

 He knew his Mate had a hard life but he never thought it would have been that difficult. He wished he found her earlier in the hopes of saving her from such a dark past. Chase's disappointment in himself grew. "That ain't the worst of it," Alec growled disgustedly.

Before Chase could interrogate him any further, he began questioning, "How did you two meet?" "In the most romantic of ways," he dramatized, "she escaped our prison and saved my lil cousin from a hormonal old man," Chase chuckled. Their meeting was the exact opposite of how Mates normally met. Then again, their love story was not at all normal.

Lyric rushed back in perfect timing with a tray of spaghetti and stewed chicken with elderflower tea. She lovingly looked at him, "Anything else?" "Your Mate is probably hungry too," Alec teased, sticking his thumb in pale Chase's direction. She cast a questioning glance toward him to which he responded with a shy nod. Lyric was close to flying back into the kitchen with her ecstatic mood.

"Are you willing to fix her Chase?" Alec inquired with a concerned gaze. "Fix her?" Chase repeated unsurely. "Her heart is in armor, Chase and everyday she goes to war. She wears strength and darkness equally well. The girl has always been half goddess, half hell. (Quote by Nikkita Gill) As her Mate, it is your duty to love and save her," Alec clarified. 

"She's a walking paradox. Her eyes and words are so icy but she burns like alcohol on fire. I need to know why she's broken in the first place. I'm her Mate. My life purpose is to be there for her," Chase whispered sincerely, "No matter what I'm not giving up on her." Alec sighed relieved for Chase's mentality.

"Man, I love her cooking!" Alec exclaimed, instantly lightening the atmosphere. "She cooked for the Pack recently and damn, everyone was impressed," Chase added. His thoughts were still etched onto his Mate. Alec suddenly cast an angry look toward Chase, "Your Pack better not be using my daughter to fulfill any Omega duties." "No, no, no, it's not like that!" Chase hastily defended, "We woke up and she already prepared breakfast." Alec nodded calmly.

"She's going to be future Luna anyways," Chase rambled. Alec mumbled something incoherently in a correcting tone. "Pardon me," Chase began but Alec cut him off with "You weren't meant to hear. Actually, I wasn't meant to tell you." Lyric returned with a plate for Chase, comfortably seating herself on the hand-rest of the brown fabric sofa. Chase thanked her and almost moaned at the delicious taste as he began eating.

Lyric was perfectly collected which relieved Alec because he knew if she had heard anything about her past, especially if he mentioned anything to her Mate, she'd be shattered. Lyric's past was her weakness ; it emotionally breaks and tortures her. With patience and gentleness, the type Chase offered her, she would be saved.

Alec cleared his plate hungrily before ruffling Lyric's hair in a playful manner. She huffed in mock anger, holding back a smile. Chase realized that the only thing Lyric was not doing at that moment was jumping up and down and squealing in a high-pitched voice. It was totally out of character because she was truly joyous. Her face no longer held a cold, blank expression and her voice held a blissful air of lightness. It was amazing how much Alec helped her revert to her true self.

Alpha Harry entered and Alec stood in respect. "I apologize again for worrying your Pack and trespassing on your Territory but when I got the slightest thought that Lyric was here. I couldn't stop myself. You, as a father, must know how it feels when you only wish to protect your child from any suffering," Alec properly explained.

Alpha Harry smiled softly, lovingly eyeing his only heir, "I do know therefore Eclipsers shall not cause you or your Crystal Cove Rogues any trouble. I have informed my Pack that we are now allies and you are formally welcomed onto Eclipse Ray Territory." Alec nodded with a grin.

"That means you'll visit sometime?" Lyric asked him. Her lips were threatening to break out into a grin. Alec shook his head in denial, giving her a side hug, "Every day." Lyric buried her head in his shoulder to shield her massive grin. 

"I must be going before the Pack thinks I'm dead and elects a new Alpha," Alec stated seriously. Lyric hugged him tightly, "May I see him out Alpha?" Harry consented while Chase just sat in a state of shock and bewilderment. "Alec said something about Lyric," Chase hoarsely whispered to his father as he let the tears cloud his vision.

His father sat down next to him, "Is she alright?" "She's been hurt in terrible ways. I want to make her alright. I want her to smile and laugh like any other she-wolf. I don't want to her past to affect her now," Chase frustratedly spoke. "I never knew you were such a romantic," Harry mused, "Give her some time to figure you out then you can help her. She isn't gonna trust you easily if her past wasn't roses and buttercups."

The tears fell from Chase's eyes, "I know but-" "Get her to trust you, Alpha," Harry told Chase strongly, holding his shoulders supportively. Chase nodded and wiped his tears. "Trust is the glue of life. It's the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It's the foundational principle that holds all relationships," Harry told his son, putting an emphasis on every syllable.

"I'm going to make her trust me," Chase thought. Each time he thought he made progress with Lyric, something happened that moved him back to square one yet his determination was not at all swayed.

Meanwhile, Lyric felt like a tornado of mirth had just ripped through her. She felt like nothing could ever hurt her as she strolled toward the edge of the Territory. "I've told Chase to take care of you," Alec spoke up. "That's why I was sent out of the conversation so long. I can take care of myself," Lyric realized while Alec chuckled.

He planted a fatherly kiss upon her forehead, "I know but if anything happens, we're a little away from the clearing. I'll rip their heads off." Alec shifted into his ashy coloured wolf and darted off with a single look behind at the smiling Lyric. 

-Nightthinker ©||2017  

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