Chapter 91-Erasing The Mark

Start from the beginning

"****** Not again! At this point I'm beginning to think this might be some sort of special body constitution training." However, before he could even say it, the strange loli voice of Mizuchi chimed in unbidden.

"Psha, shaken up by a bit of mere special turbulence, I can't believe my master entrusted me to such lower realm trash. Tsk tsk, if you get attacked I'll just them kill you so my master will come retrieve you." She mercilessly taunted Lineir and he began to get a headache as he realized what he was in for...compared to this new Deathblade his master was a goddess!

"I apologize for my birth...madam...." He muttered quietly through clenched teeth. "I see why they call her the Mourning End....I already mourn the blessed days before I met her...God I hope the battle for the Pillars comes soon...."

"What was that??"


Lineir slowly got to his feet and surveyed his surroundings. Unfortunately, he had been a poor scamp growing up so even though he explored more than most people of his status due to his job as a looter, he had never explored much away from the city confines.

"Not sure where this is....but I know!" Sometimes, Lineir though crafty, like mortals, would forget that he had access to many ways to solve problems. In this case..

Whoosh! Shhhhua!

Majestic flaming wings spread from his back and pulsated with waves of orange phoenix fire!


He jumped up and soared into the sky looking for all the world like a glorious phoenix ascending the Heavens! The rays of the sun shot down into his cultivators eyes and he scanned the area basking in the sight of the verdant treetops and pristine rivers. While he did not recognize his position he was sure he was in the general region of his hometown at least.

" seems I'll have to ask for directions...I'd better keep a low profile for now. I'm a wanted man after all!" He smiled for a second, his pearly white canines glinting for a second. There was an itch from his elbows, his bone scythes hidden inside, pulsated as if searching for blood. He left fleeing in the night like a scared animal...but now...he had returned as the hunter. He no longer feared the White Horizon Sect of Brackenrock city. Indeed, he did not even fear the main sect let alone the side branch which once caused him to stab his own heart. No...this time he didn't fear for himself, rather he feared that this particular branch of the White Horizon Sect would cease to exist soon....


The hydra in his throat let out a sibilant hiss and the red glow of Madness appeared in his eyes. The world was stained in murderous red as Lineir let a rare moment of true killing intent spill through him. He saw a small settlement on the ground and shot towards it, letting his phoenix wings extinguish naturally. When he landed outside the town and walked in, he passed for a regular traveler his black robes hiding the fact that he was the most dangerous person to walk this land!

"Where are we?" Lineir enquired of a small boy in the town and received a quick answer. There was something compelling about his presence, a subtle coercion like that of a snake mixed with the majesty of the phoenix which ensured that ordinary mortals could only obey his whims. He did not even need to employ any special measures.

"Sir, you are in a wilderness town. We are a fortnight away from Dracherus City by wagon." The boy answered without a pause as if hypnotized.

"And which direction is Dracherus City?" Lineir asked.

"That way sir!" The boy pointed and Lineir vanished never to be seen in the town again. However, before he left he left a seed of karma to repay the boy. The next time the boy was to encounter life threatening dangers his attackers would find themselves to be the ones whose lives were in danger instead! Lineir preferred not to leave any treasures behind. He knew that he could change the boy's life in this way, but for such a young boy such treasures may not be a good thing. Additionally, Lineir was loath to set someone on the path of a cultivator at such a young age. Though many in the land dreamed of one day helping an expert and entering the path of cultivation, Lineir knew better. The path of the Dao was vicious! It was a bloody path which promised no comforts to those who seeked to reach the top! There were no guarantees in life even for cultivators!

"Heh, such a backwater, I really enjoy these rustic sights. Perhaps traveling with you can be considered a vacation." Lineir grimaced as Mizuchi's voice entered his mind again. However he had no choice but to accept her passage. Besides he tried to console himself. If an expert came she would be handy deterrence. That is if she even bothered to help him...


Lineir was soaring through the skies once again yet he suddenly felt an alarming presence from his shoulder which quickly made him falter,

"Wait...this isn't...****!!!!" Lineir swore as the noise he had been dreading came confirming his suspicions.


"Where the hell have you been!" A strange mental message came into his mind and Lineir realized he could feel the owner drawing nearer! Frantically he channeled his newfound abilities and sealed the three taloned brand on his shoulder. The imprint struggled against his efforts but against his vastly improved cultivation base it was soon removed. As it receded he could hear in his mind the voice of an imperious and very angry girl,

"Arrrrgh my mark! What are you doing to my mark! Get back here! Don't think you can hide from me forever!" Lineir shuddered and sped away as the voice of the crazy dragon girl receded with the imprint. He had forgotten about her and he quickly altered his course away from Dracherus City!

"That was close! Whew...I don't know why she still scares me even though with my cultivation base she shouldn't be a threat anymore. Whatever, let's go directly to Brackenroch City now that I know where I am and get the hell out of here!" He said and flew away looking over his shoulder all the while. Gradually the roars of an enraged dragon faded away into the whistling wind.

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