What's There to Hear? (T.H.)

Start from the beginning


Speaking of Harry and Sam, they know some sign language too, and Paddy does too. The three of them work together on sign language sentences, but at the moment, their favorite one is "what is the soup of the day". No matter where they are or what they are doing, they will just ask me what the soup of the day is. I've given up on trying to answer them.


On days when Tom has days off and we're not traveling anywhere, he loves to just cuddle me. He always wants to reassure me that I'm never alone and he's always here for me. His favorite things to do is watching Marvel movies and the tv show Switched at Birth (just for the sign language), but with the subtitles on. The subtitles weirded him out at first, but he slowly grew to like them.

Tom always made sure to have his arms carefully wrapped around my waist and his face nuzzled into my neck. At this point, he didn't even care about what's happening on the television. Every so often he'd give me small kisses that made me laugh a little bit. I never knew for surely if I was or how loud I got when I did laugh, but whenever I do, it makes Tom look like the happiest boy alive.

He would constantly tell me that I laugh like an angel, and that he takes any precious moment to listen to me.

Hey, Tommy, how would you describe your voice? My sign language was small and gently while asking him, just so he comprehended everything and didn't panic. I've always wondered how he sounded. He probably sounds like honey, but at the same time a pillow. Okay, maybe that only makes since in my head, but that's how I imagine it.

Tom thought for a moment, then took his hands away from your waist to speak. I'd say it's a mix between lots of descriptions. But out of everything, I'd say white chocolate and paint.

I smiled up at him, so he sounds like white chocolate mixed with paint. I dunno why that combination, but honey and pillows is still my one true thought. My head nods against his chest, and— that's the last thing I remember because I fell asleep moment later. He's just so comfortable okay!


When Tom stays in one location for multiple months, like filming, he always takes me with him. On the set of Avengers: Infinity War was completely different than I imagined.

The first day on set was an adventure. Tom's goal for the day was to learn where everything is located and who Joe and Anthony Russo are. When I did meet them, they smiled warmly at me as Tom translated our conversation. Later that day, we found the croissants, well quacksons (I'm sure the word sounds funny but I don't understand since I've never heard it come from Tom's mouth), then Tom and I ended up taking some back to his trailer.

Just as Tom opened up the door, I got tapped on the shoulder. When I turned around, BOOM, Sebastian Stan stood there right before my eyes.

I could see his mouth moving, so I smacked Tom behind his head. He turned around to sign to me, but saw Sebastian and smiled down at him. The two of them begun talking, which made me irritated because I wanna know what's going on. Once again, I smacked Tom behind his head.

I'm just telling him about you. Tom signed to me.

I hope nothing embarrassing. I sign back at him in a very sassy manner.

Tom shrugged his shoulders and now he looks really guilty. He probably did say something about me that he shouldn't have. For the last time, I smacked him.

All the cast members were excited to meet me, especially Chris Pratt for some reason. He always seemed to give me the most attention and purposely had paper with him so he could write to me. Even though Tom has told him many times he can translate everything.

Robert Downey Jr. treated me like another one of his children. He only knows a little bit of sing language, so he relies on Tom most of the time.

Nothingness, everyone loved meeting me.


And here's now. Back in London, Tom planned an evening for me and him at a small park that nobody really knows about. Tessa even came along with us.

Our park adventure started at six. He signed to me to wear something comfy, then left me standing in our bedroom to figure it out. While I did that, he made little sandwiches and packed small snacks for us to share at this little picnic he had planned.

At the park, Tom set out a blue and white colored blanket on the grass (luckily with shade) and placed three pillows down on the blanket. Tessa took on pillow to rest on while Tom and I sat on the other two so we could eat our dinner.

Tom made me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, awh, he knows me so well. After we ate our food, I laid down on top of Tom as the sunset over the horizon and the clouds moved quickly in the sky. My head rests on his chest as his fingers play with my hair. And even though I can't hear anything, the whole mood of us just being together was calming enough.

Then Tessa wanted to be evil. She got up from her small nap and grabbed the tennis ball from Tom's backpack. From under my head, I could feel Tom groaning at Tess. He sat up a little to play ball with her, so I adjusted to almost laying down on top of him. Every single time Tessa came back with the ball after Tom threw it, I giggled quietly to myself. She kept wagging her little nub of a tail and acted like it's her turn to have attention. Tom just wanted to give me his attention.

Finally, after ten straight minutes of playing fetch, Tom called off the game with Tessa and sat me up off the ground so he could look at me. Tom's hands shook, making his sign language a little shaky and choppy, but if I read it correctly, he had every reason to be nervous.

Will. You. Marry. Me?

Awh these imagines are always cute <3


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