15: Argument (Logan/Logic)

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A/N- I knew it wouldn't be long! Hope you enjoy, because I'm sure gonna have fun writing it! 😄

You climbed down the side of a couch in the living room, stopping to listen for footsteps. You'd just found this house the day before, had found a good hole to claim as home base, so you were searching for the kitchen. Then, speaking from another room.

Your had heard conversations in the house before, and honestly wondered who lived here, and who was visiting. It kind of seemed like they just, appeared sometimes. You'd never actually seen anybody yet, but you planned on it. Just from a good hiding spot, and a very well thought out plan.

You focused back in on the speaking, and it wasn't too far away. It was also in the only other room connected to this one, which you couldn't see the wall, but the voices were muffled, so it must've been another room. Listening as much as you could, so made out common words, seeming like names. Roman, Virgil, Logan, Thomas, Patton. How many people were there? Crawling quickly around the legs of a large chair blocking your vision, not really watching where you were going, you almost walked right into a leg. Almost. Though that didn't stop you from being noticed.

"Whaaat, is that?!" You heard a giant say, a little frantic. He was pointing straight at you, sitting on the stairs. He was wearing all dark clothing, and black makeup, which seemed odd to you, but you had no time to process it. You scrambled back behind the couch, but everyone hand already turned and looked. There were 5 figures standing in the room, 2 freaked out, 2 confused, and one... curious? That one creeped you out. You turned around and bolted in the other direction.

You heard loud steps from behind you, multiple people struggling to follow you through the maze of furniture you were weaving them through. All except the one who noticed you, which you noted wasn't present. You stopped underneath the couch you had previously jumped off of, breathing heavily. You heard many questions of confusion, but there were only three voices. And then a face. Staring right back at you. A smile on his face. The eyes behind his glasses gleaming with curiosity, he reached a steady hand in, stopping a few feet (your size) from your waist. You took a few steps back. What happened to well thought out plan!?

The giant just smirked, moving his hand back closer and wrapping his fingers carefully around your waist. He pulled you out from under the couch, and up to eye level at an insanely fast speed, making your stomach do a back flip into your throat. It was not pleasant. He opened his hand, and you slid gingerly into his palm, and he used his pointer finger to turn you towards the other people. The 3 stood there, gawking. Then you realized you were shaking. You tried to stop, but you didn't seem to move. Fear froze your body- other than shaking, which you would've thought was strange, but you had more important matters to focus on.

One of the men seemed to take notice, one who had been freaked out/ scared earlier. He was wearing a grey sweater around his neck, along with a blue shirt, and glasses like the one who was holding you. They almost looked exactly the same. He approached you with a confused and somewhat worried look on his face.

"H-hello?" He stuttered softly. You didn't know why he was stuttering, you were the one surrounded by people., let alone giants. You figured you should respond, so you forced yourself to give a weak wave. You were still shaking. The giant grinned at your wave, and started waving his hands, like he was fangirling or something.

"Hey guys, it's a person!" He whisper shouted to the people behind him.

"Are you okay?" He asked, turning back to you. He had his hands on his knees, speaking as if you were a child. You could only manage a small nod, and the giant started to get excited. You smiled slightly, and your shaking slowed. These people seemed kind, but none of the others had even moved yet, let alone the still triumphant one who had you literally in the palm of his hand.

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