16: Trust (Jack)

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You drifted awake, stretching your arms and rubbing your eyes as you stood up on the pillow next to Jack. You could see his green hair scattered across it next to you, as its owner was breathing lightly and laying on his side, arms wrapped around his chest. One odd thing you noticed: the bedroom door was open... Jack never left the bedroom door open. Must've been a freak wind draft. Stretching your legs, you noticed a spot on your left calf felt sore so you rubbed it, hoping to soothe it slightly. Jack shifted, moving the pillow and sending you down to the mass of sheets below.

"Oh, sorry..." Jack muttered, picking you up by your waist out of the blankets and setting you back on the pillow.

"It's alright. Good morning!" You replied cheerily, smiling back at him. Jack looked confused and groggy.

"Pardon?" He asked, moving his ear closer to you.

"Good morning!" You said a little louder this time. He could usually hear you just fine in the mornings, what was different?

"I can't understand you Y/N, what's up? Speak normally." He said, his head moving back away from you, his face becoming more and more confused.

"Wh-Jack, I am speaking normally, what's wrong?" You said, standing up and taking a step back, brows furrowed in confusion.

"Y/N, I can't understand you, if this is a joke cut it out." He said, getting more serious. He couldn't understand you. At all.

"Jack no! This isn't a joke, I'm just talking!" You began to panic, wrapping your arms around yourself and trying to calm down. Everything was fine. Why now?

"Y/N, calm down, I'm sorry, I can see you're not joking, though I still can't understand. Everything's gonna be fine." Jack started to calm you, wrapping his hand around you and running his finger up and down your back. You let your shoulders and arms relax, willing yourself to calm down. Hopefully what ever it was would go away. If anything... you had Jack.

"Hey, so... can you understand me?" He asked, sitting up and setting you on his leg, currently covered in blankets. You nodded quickly, sitting yourself down and resting your head in your hands.

"Alright. It's gonna be fine, you just... have to trust me." He said cautiously, like he didn't trust himself. But you trusted him.

"I trust you..." You replied, not caring that he wouldn't understand. You might be able to make it one day like this, but more than that... you weren't sure how to react.

"Alright, let's try and get through a day, how bad could this be?" He said optimistically, scooping you back up, and pushing the blankets off of himself, getting on to his feet.


You and Jack- no- Jack was making plans for how to communicate while you both ate breakfast. He had the thought that you could hold up numbers on your hands to signal simple things. Just from one to five.

"Alright, so one could be rest, two could be food, three could be water, but what about four and five?" He asked, expecting a response. You made actions and spoke, but it was just to keep you from going insane.

(You held up a four and nodded, and then held up a five and shook your head.)
"Four could be yes, and five could be no." You suggested, hoping he understood your actions.

"If you don't gave an idea for five, what's your idea for four?" He asked. You sighed, shaking your head. This was going way worse than hoped.

"Yeah, yeah, it's hard, I know. How about we leave it at that, and then get on with the day." He replied, and you smiled lightly and nodded. You were not going to let this come between you and a fun day.

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