1: Giant (Thomas Sanders)

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A/N- All of the chapters in this book will be from (Y/N)'s point of view (you) and is (almost) always tiny. (Also feminine, but will do asks)

Grass whipped your face as you sprinted away from the giant. You felt the ground shaking with each gaping step they took, calling out to you as you felt tears sting your eyes. The overwhelming sound quickly got closer as you began to see him in your peripheral vision. Shutting your eyes tightly, you put on one final burst of speed,
"Hey, woah, are you okay?" You ran into something warm and soft. The giant spoke lightly, though you could hear he was out of breath. Carefully, he wrapped his hand around your waist and lifted you upwards. Struggling for escape, you pushed on his fingers, but nothing seemed to work. The giant had a worried look on his face, as his kind coffee brown eyes looked you over.
You had seen him before, you lived in the walls of his house, but you had never been this... uncomfortably close. Much less literally in the palm of his hand. You'd just been going outside to get some fresh air, when he caught a glimpse of you sneaking outside. As soon as you noticed he'd seen you, you ran. And so did he apparently.
"Wh-what do you want with me?" You managed to stutter out.
"I don't want to hurt you, just, wanted to make sure you were alright." He replied as you felt the grip around your waist loosen slightly. Really? So it was pity, kindness, or a trap, none of which you greatly enjoyed.
"Well I was fine, so you don't have to worry about me." You said, annoyed. You really didn't want to move again. I mean, 3 moves in one month? What kind of Borrower am I if that happens? You thought to yourself. The giant didn't seem deterred by your comment.
"So, what are you then?" He asked curiously. Okay this was bad, curious giants never lead to good things. You'd just have to shut him down and get out of here as fast as possible.
"I'm a borrower." You answered, tugging on your arms to try and pull them free, but his grip was too tight.
"I-I'm so sorry, if I should have noticed my grip." The man smiled meekly at you, opening his hand and tilting it back, letting you sit in his palm. "So, a Borrower? You don't mean..." His curious nature showed through again, this was going to be difficult.
"Yes, we exist, live in houses, and aren't just stories. Who'd come up with this anyways?" You moved to sit cross legged, stretching your arms as you felt where the bruises would be the next day. The giant chuckled, nodding.
"Well, I'm Thomas." He introduced himself. It seemed a little blatant, but he did seem genuinely intrigued by you, and you weren't exactly dropping from this height, so going along with him was the only option.
"I'm (Y/N)..." You replied, feeling strange to say your own name again. The word felt foreign on your tongue.
"Hey, umm, how did you get in my house?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand. That was the question you had been expecting, so you were prepared.
"Well I needed some house to move to, and yours was the next on the street-" Thomas cut you off.
"You've lived in other houses on this street?" He said quickly, his eyes gleaming in the sunlight. This was definitely the kindest capture you've had yet.
"A total of 4, yeah. One for my childhood, and... 3 in the past month since I've moved out... guess I'm not the best Borrower." You said shyly. You hadn't intended to tell him so much, but he seemed to welcoming, it just... happened.
"I mean who needs to be the best Borrower?" He replied. It seemed a little sudden, and you look back at him, confused.
"Hey, I-" He started talking again, but you interrupted him.
"-I'll go if, if you want though. I know you probably don't want me interrupting your life."
"I really don't mind. I was just about to suggest... well, if you wanted to stay with me?" He asked carefully, brushing a stray lock of hair out of his face anxiously.
"I... sure." You smiled warmly, hoping you'd made the right decision. Thomas' face lit up as he beamed, mussing your hair with his index finger. What had you gotten yourself into?

A/N- First chapter! Hope all enjoyed, I'd like to update this book every other day, rotating from Thomas, to Jack, to Mark. That's my goal. (Future A/N, that doesn't happen, everything descends into madness and don't expect scheduled updates. Bye!)

Thanks for reading!

PJO Out.

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