11- Mouse (Thomas)

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A/N: Alright, I know we've already done intro's, but this is perfect, so you know what, here goes.

You unloaded the extra food from your last expedition into your small storage space in your home and breathed a sigh of relief. You didn't have to go out again tonight.

Peering outside of your hole just to double check nothing was there, you moved over to your small makeshift bed, ready to settle down and hide for the night. The giant here seemed kind... but he was what he was. A giant. Being so, he could not be trusted, so you stayed hidden, going on scavenging trips only when necessary.

Though he could not be trusted, it didn't mean you couldn't enjoy his voice. He had a gift, you could tell, even though you had been here a maximum of two weeks. You began to settle into your soft scraps of fabric that you called a bed, before you heard scuffling outside your hole. Instantly, you were back on your feet, grabbing the push pin you saved for emergencies as you moved into position to defend. You had dealt with your fair share of bugs this week, they were becoming a straight up nuisance now. Lunging out the small circular entrance, you were met with a larger foe than anticipated.

A mouse.

It took a step back, surprised by your weapon, before baring it's teeth at you. This was not good. You had to make sure it didn't ravage your home, but stay hidden from the giant while doing so. Your home was incredibly important, and you were pretty sure the giant was upstairs, so you began taking steps backward, further into the hallway that lead to the living room. The mouse followed, thankfully not attacking as it was lead away.

You made it just to the entrance to the living room, before the mouse took a bite at you with it's pointed teeth, which hit a small bar of metal. You had closed your eyes tightly and tried to block the mouse, not wanting to watch your own death. You hadn't actually needed to fight yet, just stab bugs, but this was terrifying. There was... no pain. You figured dying would've hurt more, so you let your eyes open slowly, and you saw the mouse shake it's head, shocked by the block, as it armed to strike again.

You figured you probably wouldn't be able to do that again, so you turned around, sprinting into the living room, you could hear the blood pumping through your ears. Turning to look behind you, the mouse was not far behind, and you ran into the coffee table leg which made a dull 'thud' as you fell to the ground, your vision foggy as you tried to stand again. Your legs were shaky as you weakly lifted the pin, watching the fuzzy white blob approach. You felt searing pain on your arm as the pin slid from your hands, your body falling limp to the ground as the world turned black.

Your eyes fluttered open. What an awful dream... you thought to yourself, rubbing your eyes as the world came into sharp focus. And sharp pain. Wait. Pain? Where had that come from?


The dream?

It was... real.

The white bandage wrapped around your arm was stained light pink with blood, and you could feel the searing pain in your forearm where the injury was. Wait... bandage. You never stole any bandages... where was the giant anyways?

Trying to take a closer look into your surroundings you began to sit up, before a wave of nausea knocked you onto your back.

"Take it easy there, don't push yourself too hard." You heard a voice from above you. That voice... you recognized it... looking around the best you could, you saw the giant to your left, kneeling next to you. This was the first time you had ever seen his face, most commonly seeing his feet and running away. You visibly flinched when you saw him, and then calmed down a bit. You weren't dead. He saved your life.

"Th-the mouse?" You said weakly, slowly raising your self up to sit cross legged as your stared up a the giant cautiously.

"It's gone, you're okay now." The voice said, softer and kinder than before.

"What did you... save me?" You asked softly, still not understanding why he had been so kind to you. Why did he care?

"I heard a sound from the living room," The giant began.

"So I went to go check it out, and I found you and the mouse, and you seemed unconscious, so yeah." He said positively, scratching the back of his neck semi-awkwardly. 

"Why did you care though?" You said, a little more forceful. You were grateful for his help, but if he did it just to make himself feel good, then you wouldn't be staying here for much longer.

"I just didn't want you to get hurt, that's all." He said, seeming a bit hurt, but then becoming understanding. Like he could know what you felt, which he obviously couldn't.

"Thanks for saving me, sorry I didn't say that sooner..." You replied, becoming quiet. You felt bad, you didn't mean to hurt him, why were you so suspicious of him? He was a giant, but seemed incredibly kind.

"It's fine, it's fine, I know your scared, and I must not be the easiest to trust, but I just want to take care of you." He said, smiling lightly. He rubbed your head with his index finger, and you felt calm, as a small smile crept across your face as you drifted asleep.

A/N: Finally, wow that took way too long. I'm just an amazing procrastinator, but I have more time now. No promises though! :) Hope you all are having (and have) an awesome summer!

Thanks for reading!

PJO out.

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