14- Darkness (Arin Hanson: Game Grumps)

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A/N- Plz don't hate me, I probably don't know enough about Arin to write this chapter, but I'm doing it anyways. 😆 Hope it's not too bad.

"Alright, I'll see you later dude." You head the giant say to his friend, who visited a lot. You were tucked into the back of a TV cabinet, trying to push yourself further into a corner than you could possibly go. The giant moved back to the couch, settling in with a small sigh, but he stopped suddenly. He went utterly still. Had he seen you? He couldn't have, you were hidden in the shadows of a pile of CD's infront of you. You were too focused on him to wonder why he actually had CD's anymore, but that's besides the point.

"Right, I need to put a game in to actually play it." The giant chuckled to himself, standing up and walking toward the cabinet you were currently residing in. Those must've been the CD's! Being the only thing to hide behind in the vicinity, you hoped he didn't move them and jumped behind the stack of discs, back pressed against them, breathing heavily and trying not to shake.

"This looks good..." The giant mumbled, and a case that you had been leaning on, midway through the stack, began to slide out. Your hands fumbled for something top steady yorself on, which turned out to be below that one, and somehow set the entire stack out of balance, and they cascaded on top of you. Just great. You were pushed to the ground by the weight of about a dozen cases, and you fell on your chest, one arm stopping your face from hitting the ground, the other pinned inbetween two CD's, obviously cut from the sharp stinging pain shooting down your arm. You brought your knee's to your chest, sitting up as best you could, and then trying to pull your arm away, with no luck.

A weight lifted from your back. There were still CD's there, but, the giant was stacking them back up. Then your arm was freed, then the rest off your back. You fell backwards into the wooden wall behind you, and you could see the giant's face perfectly. He stared at you, and you returned it. Your breathing quickened, and you gripped the cut on your arm tightly, trying to stop it from bleeding as a drop of warm crimson blood seeped through your fingers.

You didn't dare move.

"Look what we have here, very funny Dan..." The giant started off loudly with a smirk- making you flinch- but you saw his eyes flicker to the drop of blood on your arm. You quickly wiped it off, a force of habit, and gripped your arm tighter. The giants face became one of confusion, pushing some hair out of his eyes.

"Hey." He said lightly, moving his hand toward you. He curled his fingers up, leaving his pointer finger, and moved it into arms reach from you. You were trying to think of some way to get away, when he interrupted your thoughts.

"My name's Arin." He said, almost whispering. Did he... want a handshake? Really?

Gripping your stinging forearm, you reached a shaky hand out slowly to shake his. It was weird and confusing. Arin smiled lightly.

"Y-Y/N." You stuttered, carefully standing up, resting your back on the wood behind you. Your back was slightly hunched, and you could never fully look at Arin for a few moments as he watched you softly.

"Are you okay?" He asked, and he seemed lost for what to do.

"Yeah, I'm fine..." You replied, trying to pull his attention away from your arm. It was just a small cut, it would heal in a few days as long as it wasn't aggrivated much. Arin shook his head and smirked, making you a little worried. He moved his hand toward your arm, and you flinched visibly, taking a step back. Yeah, he seemed nice, but he would probably open the cut again if he touched your arm. His thumb was literally the size of your head, you did not want that thing near you. You kept careful watch of the hand nearest you.

And then you were in the air. Well that laser focus hadn't helped you much, had it? How did he-

He's a person, he has two hands dammit!  Your mind yelled back at you. Oh, right. His hand was wrapped around your waist, a small smile on his face, but you could tell he was proud of himself. You held your arm tight to your body, not wanting him anywhere near it.

"No, I need to make sure you're okay!" Arin chided when he saw you move, his finger easily pulling your arm away, your hand slipping off of it. You could see the blood on the inside of your palm, and you winced, trying not to look at your other arm. The blood still on it made it look worse, but Arin was... incredibly gentle. You hadn't realized, but his grip around your waist was only just barely.

Arin's face looked worried, and you started to become more fearful. He seemed to take notice, and his face softened, starting to move into a different room.

"I just want to help." He said calmly. He sounded so honest, like he just wanted you to be okay... maybe you could trust him. He walked into a bathroom and set you on the counter. You stumbled but caught your balance, turning to face Arin, looking up at him as he fiddled with a box in his hands. He set it on the counter opposite you, a sympathetic look on his face as he held a bandage in his hand that looked to be the size of your arm. You felt... safe. Looked after. But there was still that one question that lingered.

"Why?" You asked, louder than you thought you would. Arin replied quickly.

"They have a voice! There it is. Why do I want to help you? I just... don't want you to be hurt. And now that you are, and it was kind of my fault, so you might have to stay with me so that I can keep an eye on you." It didn't sound like a question either.

"O-okay." You said. He was being pretty forceful, but you were pretty deep in thought for the moment. Rations had been short lately, Arin had been gone more often. You were just worried about, actual clothes, and the few personal items you had left back home, but you could easily go get those at night, once he was asleep. Just in case... anything happened.

"Hold your arm out, I'm just gonna put a band-aid on it." He said, and you shook your head, clearing your thoughts enough to follow his order. He carefully wrapped the bandage around your arm, which stung slightly, there must've been something on it. You clenched a fist, and then the sting was gone, and it felt... better.

"Thanks." You said, moving your arm around a bit as you watched him.

"So, I was just about to play Zelda. You up for some?" He asked, grinning widely. You smiled lightly, almost laughing a bit about how happy he was. He set his open palm in front of you, and waited. It was for you... it was a really sweet gesture compared to before, but you guessed that the previous grab was necessary. He was really scary from that angle, in your defence.

"Sure!" You replied, stepping onto his hand cautiously. This was going to be an interesting day.

A/N- Finally, it's about time I finished this! 😆 Anyways, it's done now, and yeah. Hope everyone is having an awesome summer, and I'm hoping to get a main book chapter done soon, but I have a camp coming up soon, so it might not be... anyways! I will see everybody next time.

Thanks for reading!
(P.S. just since my username changed doesn't mean my outro does 😉)
PJO out.

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