Possesion- (Mark)

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You woke up lying on a rolled up scarf. Why? You had absolutely no clue. What happened the night before? You reached in your mind to remember as you checked out your surroundings. All these figurines were life sized to you and it was freaking you out. A Jack figurine (one of Robin's,) a Pop figurine of Mark that looked like it had been made by a fan was after that, and then the end of that side of the shelf.

Still not being able to remember, getting off was the next best idea. You were on the lowest shelf, it didn't look too far off the desk below, so you moved to climb down, but hit... something. You couldn't see it, but you put your hand on it and nothing happened. Was it, glass? You had been able to see glass though... had you? Another thing you couldn't recall.

Desperately trying to remember, you caught on something. Mark had been drinking. The whole story came flooding back...

(Italics= flashback/memory)

You woke up to Mark wrapping his hand around you.

"Mark! What are you doing?" You tried to pry yourself free of the hand, to no avail. The clock on the side table read 1:42 AM.

"Dolly needs to go where she belongs." Mark said, almost sounding like himself, but his voice wavered way too much to be himself, and his breath smelt of alcohol. He'd just been with friends, and he knew he couldn't drink!

"Mark, seriously, you know you can't drink! Ugh, just- put me down!" You almost yelled, confused with where Mark was bringing you.

"Dolly needs to go where she belongs." He just kept repeating the same phrase. Yep, he was drunk. You knew there was nothing you could do to stop him, so you gave up your struggle.

"You are going to hate yourself in the morning." Was all you could say as you were brought through many different rooms and into Mark's office. Mark went straight to his figurine case, and opened the clear doors, or at least you assumed they were there. You couldn't see anything there. He set you on the top shelf in an open spot while you tried to stay on his hand, all of your efforts being dismissed as he pushed you off his hand and on to the shelf, closing the doors and smiling, nodding like he did a good job, and leaving the room.

All you could do was shake your head and try and find somewhere to sleep. There was a thin gap between the doors and the shelf, large enough for you to slide down. You saw something that looked soft of the last shelf, so you climbed down, taking your time to make sure you didn't get stuck. From the top shelf you had seen a scarf, which actually looked pretty comfy now that you were in front of it. At least it was more comfortable than all the plastic around. The figurines were kinda creepy. Fixing the scarf into a bed, you fixed the scarf into a bed and settled down. Hopefully Mark would remember where you were in the morning.

Mark had done this? Huh. He was drunk though, so, yeah. His drunk self must've thought you were some sort of figurine or something. All you could really do was wait for Mark. You sat back down on the scarf, ready to wait, when Mark practically burst into the room, looking around hurriedly.

"Mark!" You shouted, standing up quickly and leaning up against the glass. He turned towards you, and he looked utterly relieved, quickly opening the glass doors and scooping you up, closing the doors again with his other hand.

"What happened?" He asked, almost desperately. Oh yeah, if he'd had that much to drink, he would have no clue what happened.

"How much do you remember?" You asked, wondering how much you needed to fill in.

"All I could remember was this room, and I had this lovely head ache." He replied, rubbing his temple. Well, it was good he remembered this room at least.

--- One story later ---

"Oh god, I'm so sorry! I- that's why I feel like crap..." Mark began to walk back to the bedroom with you.

"Nah, its fine. I found a comfy scarf, I was all taken care of. Honestly, I was just worried about you, I haven't seen you that drunk... ever." You replied, stretching your stiff arms and legs.

"Wanna bet it was Jack?"

"Oh my god, Mark you have to find out what happened last night!"

Mark and you both laughed, happy everything was okay.


Thanks for reading!

PJO out.

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