3- Monster (Markiplier)

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You staggered through the waist high snow, clutching the small scrap of fabric you had to your body, anything to help against the bitter cold winds and flurries of snow. The wind ripped through your thin clothes, blowing through your hair, and the large flakes of snow around you.

Tripping on something hidden beneath the snow, you fell face first into the snow. You struggled to stand up, hauling your small weak body to it's feet. Distantly, you heard the crunching of snow, and a far away"Chica! Chica girl, where'd you go!"

Why would someone else be out in this snow storm? Where were they, who were they? You shivered, starting to walk again, trying to find any sort of shelter.

You heard the crunching snow get closer, and louder as you struggled your way through the deep snow. Were they coming toward you?

It kept getting louder, so much so you could tell it wasn't another borrower. Wait. Not another borrower? Then it had to be one of the monsters... but not now. It couldn't be!

A new wave of adrenaline surged through you, and you stumbled through the snow for a few more minutes. You were losing the feeling in your legs. Suddenly, your legs fell out from beneath you, tumbling you into the deep snow with a cry.

"Help!" You shouted. You didn't care if the monster found you, you just didn't want to die. Not yet.

Your vision started fading, your eyes fluttering shut, as you heard the now faint crunches still getting louder, and seeing a blob of red in your blackening vision before passing out, shivering intensely.

You woke up, but didn't open your eyes, trying to figure out where you were. Did you die? Or... had the monster gotten you? Or both? Below you, it was... warm. And soft. That didn't help.

You still couldn't tell where you were, so you let your eyes flicker open, to the sight of... a Giant! The soft surface beneath you, which happened to be a blanket, shifted underneath you.

You scrambled to your feet, dropping the blanket from your shoulders and taking a few steps back, staring up at the giant, who was watching you intently, a look of both worry, and relief on his face.

"W- who are you... w-what do you want?" You asked, shaking.

"It's alright... I'm Mark, I just... wanted to make sure you were okay." He said, brushing his thumb over the top of your head. You flinched, but stayed there. It was kind of relaxing, in a strange way. For someone you had just met.

"Th- thanks..." You trailed off. You probably would've died of, like, hypothermia or something if he hadn't come to get you.

"Yeah. Hey, do you, uh, have somewhere to stay? Because it kinda seemed like..." Mark asked timidly, eyes trailing over to the clock on the wall.

"N-no... I don't. I was looking around the forest for a new place to stay, but then- then the snow started, and yeah... why were you out there?" You said, sitting back down, becoming more and more comfortable with Mark.

"Oh, my dog ran out there, I had to make sure she didn't get lost or anything, especially with all the snow." He answered. Glancing behind him where you assumed the dog was.

"What's your name?" Mark asked gently.

"It's (Y/N)... th-thanks." You responded, lying down on the soft blanket beneath you. It was so warm, you just wanted to stay there forever.

"Hey, it's okay, just wanted to make sure you were okay. You feeling better?"

"Yeah!" You said, grinning and sitting up.

"I- I ran away from home... they didn't want me there..." You finished, trying to find something to do other than look at Mark, so you ended up just smoothing out the blanket.

"That's okay, you could... stay here if you wanted. I- I mean," You could hear him just about to start rambling, so you interrupted, so you interrupted.

"That would be... great! As long as it's not... too much trouble. I don't want to-" Now it was your turn to be cut off.

"No trouble at all." Mark confirmed, grinning back down at you. He began to stand up from the couch- which you now realized was where he was sitting, and carefully slid you into his opposite hand, setting the blanket back on the couch. Mark turned back to you.

"You'll be a perfect fit."

A/N- Oh that was a good one. Yep, that's a gem, definitely a keeper. :D Hope all enjoyed, and be ready for more on Friday! And as always... I will see yo- no, no, no, that's not my outro!

Thanks for reading!

PJO out.

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