★ Episode 6 (Part 2) ★

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Groups are now picking their leader and center!

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Groups are now picking their leader and center!

Vocal Position's first team is IOI's Downpour.

Downpour Team: /cheers/

Song Hara (14): "Should we pick our leader now?"

Bae Suhyun (24): "I nominate Ito Akemi. She seems to have the leader aura on her."

Jeon Seolhyeon (10): "Yeah I think she will lead the team well."

Ito Akemi (17/Leader): "Ah thank you! Ah luckily we wouldn't have much problems with picking the center because we have Younghee as our automatic center!"

Downpour team: /cheers/

Im Younghee (1/Center): "Thank you~"

Vocal Position's second team, Red Velvet's Wish Tree!

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Vocal Position's second team, Red Velvet's Wish Tree!

Staff: "Do you like your members?"

Wang Ziyu (11): "Of course!"

Yoon Chaeseon (19): "Oh~ So much."

Park Sora (13): "I don't like them."

Choi Jinri (37): "Lmao Sora as if we like you."

Jeon Areum (21/Leader): "Now let's pick our main vocal/center. I'd do well as a subvocal so.."

Wang Ziyu (11): "Yeah I don't have much greed with the main vocal parts."

Kwon Chaeyeon (4): "Then I would like to apply for it. I'm confident."

Park Sora (13): "I also want to be main vocal.."

Kwon Chaeyeon and Park Sora, both A-grade trainees in the first evaluation, fight for the main vocal position

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