42|Growth (Final)

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we've come very far with this story, and i thank you all for supporting it along with my other writings. many of you have watched and helped me grow to be a better writer. i thank you all so fucking much for that, and giving me the opportunity to entertain you all. i have so, SO much love for my baby bats. with that being said, this will be the last chapter of daycare. however, this is not the end of their story.

•Six Years Later•
Ricky's POV

Onyx waited excitedly by the front door, his arms holding a small, black teddy bear. Chris should be home from touring any minute, and it's been difficult getting Onyx used to him having to leave. FaceTime calls usually do the trick to make sure Onyx knows his Daddy is still there.

I giggled softly as I heard a car pull into the driveway. I knew it was Uber with Chris inside. Smiling, I stood up and took a glance out the front window. My lover caught my eyes and gave me a wave before hurrying up to the doorstep with his suitcase. He knocked on the door three times, "Anyone home?"

Onyx gasped and grinned widely, "We're home, we're home!" He stood up and backed away from the door a few steps as it opened, then let out a happy squeal and jumped at Chris. Chris caught him and hugged him, kissing the top of his head.

"I missed you, Buggy!" He murmured, petting his blonde hair lovingly. "So much!" He lifted Onyx into the air, tossing him up before catching him and setting him down on the ground once again. He looked to me and smiled sweetly, "Don't hide from me, beautiful,"

I chuckled and stepped over, then wrapped my arms around his neck. I hid my face in his long hair, lightly giving him a kiss on the jaw. "God, I missed you so much." I whispered, closing my eyes. His arms wrapped around my waist and held me securely.

"I missed you too, Babe." He gave me a kiss on the temple, lip rings cool against my skin. He then lifted my chin and pecked my lips, "I love you."

I kissed back and set my hands on his pale cheeks, being careful not to accidentally smear or mess up any of his makeup. "I love you too, Chrissy."

Onyx was watching us with a look of both disgust and glee. "Stop bein' kissy!" He went to Chris once again and hugged his leg, the black and white striped sweater he wore contrasting with Chris' black jeans. "Where's Auntie Dev and Uncle RyRy?" He asked softly.

Chris took Onyx by the hand, then grabbed his suitcase handle. "They're at home getting some rest, Buggy. We'll go see them this weekend. How does that sound?"

Onyx nodded and held up his pinkie. Chris snickered and wrapped his pinkie around Onyx's before kissing his forehead. "Wanna help me unpack? There might be some foreign candy for you..."

Onyx gasped happily and ran ahead of Chris into the bedroom. I followed them to help my lover unpack his bag. When I stepped into the bedroom, Onyx was already pulling zippers in search of his candies. "Buggy, wait for Daddy to show you where they are," I murmured as I helped Chris to lay the suitcase on our bed.

"We're going out to eat tonight." Chris stated as he unzipped and pulled open his bag. He began to pull out and unfold clothes, setting them in a small pile.

"Baby, you just got home," I whined. "Please just relax. Onyx and I are perfectly happy just cuddling on the couch with you."

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