20|Too Close for Comfort

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"How far along?" Ryan asked me again, receiving the same answer as fifteen minutes ago.

"Ten weeks, Ry. Just about two months-ish." I crossed one leg over the other as I sat on the couch, glancing at Angelo.

"Dude, I'm gonna make your kid so badass. You just wait." Ryan rested his forehead against my baby bump. "I'm your Uncle Ryan. You and me are gonna fuck shit up."

"Ryan, don't curse to my baby." I sighed. I didn't bother pushing him away from my stomach, since he'd just come back. "And who even said you could be the uncle?"

"I did." He said proudly, nuzzling his cheek against my stomach as he sat on his knees in front of me on the floor. "Mine."

I rolled my eyes and simply patted his head as you would a dog. "You're an idiot. I love you, though."

"That's gay." Ryan teased.

"You're gay." I countered.

"No I'm not. You are. That's why you're pregnant. Too much dick in the ass." Ryan smirked, resting his forehead against my stomach again.

"There's no such thing when it comes to Chris." I chuckled. "You really like the baby, don't you?"

"Yep. When does Chris get back?" He asked curiously.

"Probably soon. He went to go pick up Abigail, so he shouldn't be much longer now." I replied, then turned to Angelo. "You've been awfully quiet."

Angelo shrugged. "I don't have much to say." He let out a quiet yawn. "Are you guys gonna find out the sex of the baby or it be a surprise?"

"I wanna find out, since I hate surprises. I'm not sure what Chris wants, yet, but we have about seven weeks to think about it."

"I hope it's a boy." Ryan smiled, gently tapping my stomach with his fingertips.

"I just want the baby to be healthy... And I wanna see the baby. And take care of them, love them, watch them grow... Hopefully I make it." I sighed quietly.

"Are you gonna do a C-section?" Angelo asked.

"Yeah. Ryan's dad said that it'd be dangerous, but way less dangerous than just pushing the baby out. I don't have a cervix, and he said I could tear." I explained.

"My dad told you that you were knocked up?" Ryan made a face. "Awkward."

"Ricky, Ricky!" A tiny voice squealed. "I missed you, I missed you!"

"Easy, Abs.." Chris chuckled as he walked inside, letting his niece sprint over. "And there is someone else here to see you.."

Abigail ran over to the couch and gasped. "Angelo?!" She giggled and jumped into his lap. "You're back, you're back!"

Chris walked over to me, raising an eyebrow at Ryan, who was in in the same position as earlier. "He's like a lost puppy sometimes."

"He's my puppy." I smiled, looking up at my sexy boyfriend. "Kissie?"

"Yep." Chris leaned down and caught my lips with his. It was a quick, sweet kiss, but I enjoyed every moment. "Want anything from the fridge?"

"Baby, could you grab me a bit of the chocolate chips?" I asked. "Please?"

"You ate half the damn bag already!" He laughed, cupping my cheek.

I gave him a stern, motherly look. "Does it look like I give a shit? Get me them, Chris. I need them, Chris. I want the chocolate, Chris."

Chris simply kissed my forehead and went to get the chocolate for me. Ryan laughed and shook his head.

"Moody ass." He flopped on the rug and sprawled out. "Hormone queen."

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