32|Sealing the Deal

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Hey, author here. I apologize for the time skip. I just need to get things going. Besides, you don't want repetive chapters (they're getting repetive already), and I hate writing it. So, with that said, sorry again. On with the gay.


Ah, dawn. Best time of the day. Chris is asleep, holding me close, the bed is comfy, and Chrissy got me more pillows! They're soft, and I love them.

Sadly, this time of day is ruined by typical morning nausea. I slapped my hands against Chris' arm. "Up. Up, up, Baby."

Chris muttered something in his sleep. "That time already?" He asked as he began to wake up.

"Yep.." I sighed, getting out of bed after he let me. I went into the bathroom, kneeling down and letting it all out.

Chris tied my hair back with a hairtie, then kissed the top of my head. "I'll go get your coffee and toast ready, Doll,"

I gave a thumbs up, coughing and sputtering. After the usual morning vomit session, I started brushing my teeth. "Babe," I called, toothbrush still in my mouth. "Can I steal a schweater?"

"Huh?" I heard Chris laugh at me a little. "Toothbrush out of your mouth, Pumpkin,"

I giggled, finishing up before spitting in the sink. "Can I steal a sweater? The really cute oversized one?"

"The one with the thumb holes?"

"Yeah! That one!" I smiled brightly. I love that sweater. It's oversized on Chris, so it's practically a dress on me.

"Hanging up in the closet, Babe. You still up to go see my mom?"

I walked into the closet, looking on the side that used black hangers. Black hangers held Chris' stuff, the white ones held mine. I grabbed the sweater, pulling it on before scampering back to the kitchen for Chris. "I'm down, Baby."

Chris got to his knees to kiss my belly. "Awesome. She's excited to see you,"

"Awh, Babe. Your mom is so sweet to me." I gushed, petting his hair as he spoke to our baby.

This was our typical routine. I throw up, he makes me breakfast, speaks to our son, then we snuggle before we go to work. Chris and I already have the nursery ready, too, and we always go in there to talk to the baby.

We got our due date, as well. July 18, we will be welcoming our baby boy to the world. "Baby, I can't wait to meet him..."

Chris stood up again, connecting our lips lovingly. "I can't wait either. I hope he has your eyes.. They're gorgeous."

I shrugged. "I don't know much about how that'll pan out. Buuut, I know that he's gonna be absolutely wonderful."

Chris nodded, giving me my mug. "Hazelnut with a bit of whipped cream. Just how you like it, basic bitch," he teased.

I took the warm mug from his hands, smiling sweetly. "Thank you, baby." I looked to the rubber band on his wrist. "You're strong.."

He shrugged, kissing my forehead. "Just proves how much I need you in my life."

"Have you talked to Ange?"

"We were on Skype last week. Poor dude got sick," Chris replied, taking my hand and walking me to the couch.

I reasted my head on his shoulder, yawning a little before taking a sip of my coffee. "Yeah, poor guy. What's he sick with? Flu?"

Chris shrugged, arm over my shoulder. "I just hope he's okay."

Chris' POV

"Oh, Ricky!" Mom gushed, carefully wrapping her arms around Babe. I missed you so damn much!"

I smiled, kissing Ricky's forehead before going over to my dad. "Hey,"

"Hey, kid. Seems you've got a real pretty boy." He commented, throwing an arm over my shoulder. He brought me to the living room, lowering his voice. "I got your text. What's up?"

I smiled again. Earlier this morning, I sent him a text about 'sealing the deal'. "I-I wanna marry him."

"You think so?"

"Dad, I know so. I've never felt this way about anyone. Not even Angelo.." I replied, my cheeks going red. "I just don't know how to ask him."

My old man chuckled. "Y'know, when I asked your mother, we was just layin' in bed. I turned to her, and I said, "Olivia, will you be my wife?" and it's history from there."

"Yeah, but... I want something really special for him. I'm asking you, since I know you were a hopeless romantic with Mom."

"Well, what does he like?"

"Dad, he's dating me. You're literally asking what I like."

"Oh, shut up. Have you talked with his parents to see if they approve of you marrying their son yet?" He asked.

I took in a breath, giving an awkward smile. "His dad hates me, he's a homophobe. His mom... Uh, I dunno where his mom is. She left a while back, and Ricky's got some issues because of it."

"There's your special somethin'."

I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist, and small kisses on my jawline. "Hi." Ricky spoke softly, blue eyes looking up at me.

"Hey, beautiful," I chuckled, pecking his lips. "Mom hasn't kidnapped you yet?"

Ricky giggled as my dad walked back to his wife. "Nope. I just came over here 'cause I'm too afraid to ask for food."

"Awh, cutie. What do you want?" I asked, taking his hands in mine.

"Chocolate, a-and sweets. Maybe a bottle of Arizona, too?"

"In other words, you wanna go to the gas station and raid the candy shelf."

"That's me!" He smiled brightly, blue eyes glimmering with delight. "Let's go! Last time I sent you out to get me sweets, you got all the wrong shit."

"But you ate it!" I laughed.

"Well, duh. It's candy, you're an idiot to think I wouldn't eat that shit." He sassed, kissing my hands. "C'monnn! Can-dy raid, can-dy raid!" He chanted quietly, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Oh, fine. Only if you say that 'Chris is the overlord and everyone shall bow down to him'."

Ricky shrugged. "Chris is the overlord and everyone shall bow down to him."

Hello, loves! I apologize for the time skip and short chapter. Anyway, I like comments, so:
1)What should the baby's name be? I have one in mind, but I want you guys to be a part of this story as well.
2)What is Chris gonna do? Theories, if you haven't already caught on.

Alright, I'm done. Stay creepy!

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