33|Dev & Ry

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"Ryan's amazing," Devin sighed happily, a blush coating his pale cheeks. "I've never had a long term relationship before, and Ryan treats me so well,"

I groaned again, taking a bite of my ice cream. "If I hear his name one more time, I'm gonna snap my neck." I said jokingly, a hint of seriousness in my voice.

Devin continued to scroll through his phone, the maniac having multiple pictures of Ryan in his gallery. When I say multiple, I mean at least fifty.

"Nnh, he's so cute!" He gushed as his phone made a noise, most likely a text from Ryan. "Awwh! Lookie!"

I sighed and took the phone from Devin's hand, reading the text.

💞Ryan💞: Hey, beautiful. I know you're out with Ricky, but I do kinda miss you. I made you that pasta you like, so whenever you get home we can eat, okay?

I laughed a little. "I'm not sure how pasta is cute, Devin," I teased, his phone going off again.

💞Ryan💞: Got some new stuff for you, too ;)

There was an attachment to the photo, one being a set of lingerie, the other being a-

"Oh, God, sick!" I screeched, dropping Devin's phone onto the table as the people of the ice cream shop stared at me. I lowered my voice. "I didn't expect to see my best friend's dick on your phone, Devin!"

I took a few more bites of my ice cream, that helping with the eye trauma I had been through.

Devin bit his lip. "Mmh.."

"Ew, why are you enjoying that?!" I asked, looking around. "There are kids here!"

"What? Chris never sends you nudes?"

"What? N-No, he never has. Our relationship doesn't revolve around sex, Dev." I replied.

Devin frowned a little. "Our relationship isn't based on the sex, asshole. We're just active.."

I looked down, my cheeks going red. I guess that wad ruder than I meant for it to be. "Devs, I didn't mean it that way,"

Devin raised a finger to hush me, answering his ringing phone. "Hey, Baby!" He smiled, toying with a stray hair of his. "Yes, I saw. No, I'm not coming home just yet. Hey, don't tease me like that!" Devin shivered, then stepped out of his chair and out of the little shop, an involuntary moan slipping on his way.

I sighed, other eyes still on me. It wasn't a surprise. I mean, really, when the fuck do you see an eighteen year old gay goth with a fucking belly bump? You don't. I took another bite of my ice cream, humming in delight.

I assumed Devin went to his car since he wasn't outside the window of the shop. I didn't mind it, just as long as he wasn't having phone sex with Ryan.

They're really cute together, and it's okay that they're active, but sometimes it can be a bit much. I won't talk shit, though, since I'm not a bitch.

Well, fuck yeah I am, but that doesn't matter right now. Devin and Ryan are by best friends, and I'm glad they're in love. I'm happy with how things are right now.

After a few more minutes of thinking and another cup of ice cream, Devin came back in with red cheeks. He sat across from me and squealed happily.

"Lemme guess, Ryan moaned your name," I teased.

He shook his head, giggling and wiggling in his seat. "He said he loves me! He was talking about how perfect he thought I was, a-and then he told me the three best words ever!"

"Awww!" I smiled brightly, biting my lip. "Did you say it back?"

"Mhm! Ryan wants me home early so he can... Uh, well, he said make love to me. I guess that's just another way of saying 'I wanna fuck you so hard', right?" He smiled, cheeks blazing red.

My cheeks went pink. I realized that Devin was only used to the rough sex with Ryan. "Devin, I hate to talk about sex in an ice cream parlor, but uh..." I trailed off, taking his hands and bringing him out to his car. "Look, making love and fucking are different. Ryan's gonna really treat you like a princess, Dev."

He tilted his head in confusion. "Wh-What? He treats me like a princess anyway, other than calling me a slut in bed."

I shook my head. "Devin, dude, listen. Ryan is gonna be really gentle with you. He's not gonna rip your clothes off... He's gonna be gentle, careful, loving. You'll really enjoy it."

I thought back to my first time with Chris. Sure, I was a virgin, but we had made love after that too. His gentle touch along my hips, kissing gently at my neck and whispering sweet nothings into my ear.. Devin never had that in his life.

"Go home to Ryan, okay? I'll have Chris pick me up, and I want you to tell Ryan you really love him."

Devin nodded and got into his car, a quick thanks in a wave and smile before he drove off.

I dialed up my lover, smiling sweetly. "Hey, Baby. Come pick me up? I'll get you a little bit of ice cream,"

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