27|Christmas Cheer

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Chris and I are atheists. Let's get that shit out of the way. God is just a figment of one's imagination, telling them what they want to hear. No matter how much you fucking pray, shit doesn't change. I learned that a long time ago.

However, we both like Chrismas. It brings people together, plus, our anniversary is on the 30. Just a time of love, more than celebrating an imaginary being's birthday... Fuck, five months has felt like five years.

"Baaabe~" I sang in his ear as he snoozed away, his mouth slightly agape. "Merry Christmas,"

He mumbled incoherently and swatted at me. "N-Noo.." He groaned. "Sleep is better."

I pouted a little, then nipped his ear. "C'monnn! Wake up!" I whined, slapping my hands against his chest.

He let out a groan, then rolled on top of me. "Go to sleep."

"No, Chris!" I laughed, slapping his ass. "It's Christmas! Get up!"

"Fine, fine, Babe. Can I have a Christmas kissie?" He asked, lifting his head up with a sleepy grin.

I nodded, pressing a quick kiss to his lips. "There. Now get up and get dressed, we can drink some coffee, snuggle up in a blankie on the couch... Devin, Ry, and Balz can come over,"

Chris nodded with a hum, "That sounds wonderful, Doll. You hung the mistletoe yesterday, right?"

I nodded, pushing him off of me with a smirk. "I'll go run the coffee machine, okay? You just wake up a bit more and meet me in the kitchen." I chirped before wiggling out of bed and walking out of our room, then to the kitchen.

We didn't decorate the house much. Just some mistletoe in a few places, a handful of wrapped gifts on the coffee table in the living room. For our little festivities, Chris and I both got a black sweater with the usual Christmas sweater pattern on it. You're hilarious if you really think that we'd wear green and red on a holiday that isn't Halloween. Maybe one day, but for now, we're sticking with the "casual goth parents" look.

Sadly, though, Chris and I didn't get to celebrate Halloween. We were so caught up with my pregnancy, Chris' band and my schoolwork, we didn't get to go out. We did snuggle and watch a few horror flicks, though, so that was nice.

School's been rough. I'm so happy that I'm on break. Two weeks of relaxation, love, friends and sex. Lately, I've been really horny at random times. I feel like it bothers Chris every now and then, since I know he's not a fucking machine. I feel terrible if I ask him for another round.

While I was thinking and mumbling to myself, I turned on the coffee machine and filled it with our favourite ground beans, then set it up. The smell of the coffee filled the kitchen, bringing a small smile to my face.

I looked down to my belly, the small bump being covered by Chris' shirt that was oversized on me. "I can't wait to meet you, little one... I hope to, at least." I whispered.

Chris walked into the kitchen and kissed my cheek. "You'll meet them, Ricky. I promise you..." He whispered, setting his hand on my stomach. "Merry Christmas, Baby Doll."

"Merry Christmas, Chrissy." I replied, glancing up at him. "Awh, Babyyy! You're wearing the sweater!" I giggled, pecking his cheek.

"Yeah, yeah." He groaned playfully, a smile on his pierced lips. "What time are the others coming over?"

I checked the time on the oven, reading 11:13 AM. "Around an hour and fifteen, Babe. We might be able to have a little fun, too..." I said in a singsong type of voice, trailing my fingertip down his jaw.

"Maybe after they leave, Sweetheart. It's a little early for that."

"You sucked me off at like four AM a few weeks ago!" I whined, wrapping my arms around him. "Chrissy, please!" I backed myself into the counter, pulling Chris with me. "Please?"

Chris chuckled and gently kissed my lips. "Later, Doll. You're kinda on your own with this,"

I sighed and nodded, playing with the ends of his hair. "Okayyy... I wuv you,"

"I love you too, Pumpkin." He replied softly. The coffee machine gave a little ding, telling us out drink was ready. "I'll pour out mugs, you get the cream?"

I whined again. "Stop making things sound sexy." I pouted.

"You're a weirdo, Babe." Chris teased, running his fingers through my hair before pulling away to let me step over to the fridge. "That didn't even sound sexy."

"It's not my fault that you make clean words sound dirty, you sexy asshole!" I laughed, opening up our fridge to grab Chris' and I's creamers. I liked hazelnut, and he preferred vanilla when his coffee wasn't black.

Chris reached into the cabinet with a smirk. "Oh, what's this?" He asked, pulling down a small wrapped box. "To Baby Doll? From... Oh, Chris? Hm."

I raised a brow and set the creamers on the counter top. "What'd you secretly buy me?"

"I dunnooo," He smiled sweetly, sliding the box toward me as he reached for his coffee mug. Unwrap it, Babes."

I rolled my eyes playfully and tore open the wrapping paper. Underneath, there was a black box. I carefully opened the box, being sure not to break whatever was inside. I pulled out the white mug and laughed. "'World's Best Boyfriend'?" I read from the mug. "Did you get this for me or for you?"

"It's for you!" Chris chuckled, taking the mug and filling it with coffee. "Plus it reminded me of The Office, so-"

"Of course it did." I smiled, taking the mug and passing him his creamer.

Devin, Balz, and Ryan came over as scheduled, each with a little gift for Chris and I. Devin, however, arrived last, being the perfectionist he is with his makeup. He looked beautiful, though. He had a dark brown and red theme going on with his makeup.

"Don't glare at me, hoe." He teased as he walked inside, wearing a dark blood red dress that had a slit up the side, showing his leg. The dress had long, pretty sleeves as well, which were revealed after he took off his coat.

I giggled softly, resting my head on Chris' shoulder. "Merry Christmas to you too, Girlie."

Chris laughed a little. "This was who I was jealous of once." He told Balz, earning a chuckle from him. "You look beautiful, Dev. it's wonderful to see you again."

Devin took a seat in the chair beside Ryan. "Thanks, Baby Daddy. You guys look adorable."

Ryan looked glum. He sat in the chair silently, stealing glances at Devin every now and then. C'mon, Ry. Stop being pouty.

"Ryan, what's the matter?" I asked, tilting my head as I looked at my long-haired friend.

He stood up, stretching a little. "Fuckin' women, man... Allie has a boyfriend. I looked like an idiot!"

I furrowed my eyebrows slightly. "You asked her out?"

Ryan nodded and walked into the kitchen to grab a water bottle. "Yep. The day you came back over here, I decided to ask her to meet up with me at that park around the corner from my house. I get there, and she's with her man! I-I, ugh..." He walked back into the living room, stopping to chug half of his water. With his eyes shut, he wasn't quite able to see the bit of misteltoe hanging. Devin, however, did.

Standing up and walking over, he gently pulled the bottle away from Ryan's mouth. Ryan raised an eyebrow as he looked at the beauty in front of him. "What?"

Devin smirked slightly, setting a manicured hand on Ryan's cheek. "Forget about her, Sweetie. Just relax under the mistletoe, and merry Christmas." He said softly before gently kissing Ryan's lips.

Surprisingly, Ryan kissed back, setting his hands on Devin's hips. Ryan knew that Devin was biologically male. Devin didn't care what pronouns you used for him, either, so it was a huge surprise when the two started making out.

I leaned into Chris' hold, pressing my lips to his. "Merry Christmas, Baby,"

This was a filler, I'm sorry. I just felt that Ryan needed a little action, and Devin is such a gorgeous person in general. I also kinda think that Ryan and Devin would be cute... Whoops!

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