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I was overjoyed to be healed. I could walk normally, bend down, crouch, everything. I hate not being able to do things, since it makes me feel vulnerable. When I was in the hospital, I didn't even let Chris help me with eating. My IV tube was on my dominant arm, and I wasn't skilled with my left arm at all. Let's just say lots of food was spilled.

I poured myself a cup of coffee, moving my hips a little to a song in my head. I missed Chris. He was at work, some new bookstore in town for the first half of the day, then a job at a restaurant in the mall. He was working hard, and I couldn't thank him enough. I get back to work in a few days, and my baby gets to come with me!

I added some creamer into my coffee and took a sip. Onyx was asleep in his nursery, the baby monitor I had in he kitchen silent. I loved my son so much. He was beautiful, my hair and eyes with Chris' nose. He loved his Daddy so much, always giggling and squeaking when he came into the room. I loved it. I love both of them so much.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the front door opening. I gasped and giggled, setting down my coffee to run to Chris. I jumped into his tattooed arms, unable to contain my happiness for him. "Hi, Baby! How was work?"

He kissed the top of my head softly, tucking hair behind my ear. "It was alright. How's Onyx? Being good for you?"

I nodded. "He's being great, Baby." I replied before pressing a kiss to his lips. "He's napping, but knowing him, he'll probably wake up if you even touch him,"

"He's a Daddy's boy!" Chris smiled as he walked to the nursery, Onyx in his crib. Sure enough, when Chris lightly held his hand, he woke up to giggling. "Hi, Bubby!" Chris cooed, picking him up. "I missed you!"

Chris continued to coo and whisper to Onyx, kissing his cheeks. I smiled softly, grabbing my phone from my pocket to record the moment. "Chrissy, say hi,"

"Hello, internet," Chris replied, not taking his eyes off of his son. He kissed his forehead, holding him to his chest for a few moments. "I can't believe he's already a month old,"

I stopped recording and went over to him, resting my head on his shoulder. "He's so precious, Babe. Thank you for having a terrible pull-out game." I teased.

"Thank you for getting pregnant. I love you so much," He replied softly, kissing my lips before setting Onyx on the changing table. "Would you grab me the wipes and powder?" He asked as he began undoing Onyx's diaper.

I did as I was asked and gave them to Chris, nuzzling his bicep. "I missed you today.. Can we cuddle?"

"Always." Chris replied as he cleaned Onyx and put him in a fresh diaper. He kissed my temple, then brought me close. "I love you so much, Ricky. Thank you for staying with me and giving me such a wonderful little family... I'm-I'm gonna marry you someday. I promise. I love you. I love you so damn much,"

I smiled softly and wrapped my arms around his neck, nodding. "I love you too, Baby. More than anything in the world. I'd rather die than be without you and Onyx. You're my boys, Chris, my special boys."

Onyx began to cry, turning to us. He kicked his feet about, blue eyes watery and squeezed shut. His tiny fists were balled, moving around in his obvious discomfort.

I picked him up and pulled him close, lightly bouncing him. "Shhh, Mommy and Daddy are here, Baby... Sh, sh, shhh..." I soothed lovingly, pressing a kiss to the top of his head.

Chris wrapped his arms around us, bring us in close. I felt his lips on my forehead, his hands rubbing my hip. "I think he missed me,"

"You don't say," I chuckled, shutting my eyes. "He loves you so much... Cuddle in bed or on the couch?"

"Bed. I need a nap, myself." He replied, wrapping one arm around my waist and leading me to our bedroom.

He opened the door for me, then made sure I got into bed alright. Ever since I got home, he's been extra cautious and careful. Opening doors for me, helping me sit down, stand, grabbing things high and low... He was so incredibly caring.

Chris got into bed beside me, allowing Onyx to rest on his chest. He set a gentle hand on his back, rubbing lightly. "Baby Onyx..."

I smiled sweetly, moving in close. "Our special baby." I whispered, leaning up to kiss his cheek. "I can't think of anyone I'd rather have him with, Chris."

"Same to you, Baby Doll," He replied, closing his eyes. Onyx watched him quietly, his face pink from his crying fit. He reached a hand up and touched Chris' chin, eyes wide and curious looking.

"Hi, Onyx," Chris cooed lovingly, kissing his tiny hand. "You touchin' Daddy?"

Onyx replied by touching Chris again, more in a patting motion. I giggled, finding the relationship they had adorable. "He loves his Daddy,"

Chris turned to kiss my forehead, bringing me closer. "And I love him. I love you, too, Baby Doll."

This is more of a filler than anything, just to get back on track. I know you guys enjoy this story, and it's only right to give you guys an update. Finally over the writer's block, but updates may be a bit slow. I've got an appointment this weekend, so I may not be able to update. Thank you for the support, and I appreciate it tons!

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