Will You Come With Me?

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"I heard her talking to Sergeant First Class Gable," she suddenly blurted out.

I just nodded, tapping ashes and toeing them into the mat. "Figured she would."

She looked startled.

"This isn't my first rodeo," I told her.

She shook her head. "They wanted me to sign an affidavit that you're dangerous. They think that if we alert mental health that you've become unstable and dangerous they'll remove you from the company," She told me.

I shook my head. "Won't work," I told her flat out.

She frowned. "Why not? Two officers, a few senior NCOs, they'd have to restrict you to the barracks and pull you from duty."

I just smiled at her. "I've been cleared for duty as recently as two weeks ago," I took another drag, "I'm subjected to frequent and ongoing psychiatric oversight as well as constant physical checks," I shrugged, "I take it neither of them know I'm on the Personnel Reliability Program?"

"I thought the PRP program was cancelled," She said.

"Nobody told me," I said, leaning back. I pushed my boonie hat back.

"They're also claiming that you're gay," she told me.

That made me laugh. She frowned at me and I laughed again. "That ship, Johnson, has sailed," I told her.

"What do you mean?" she said, "They're talking about writing statements they've seen you trying to pressure some of the enlisted women into sex and saw  you dancing with a woman at one of the clubs."

I nodded. "Well, that part is true. Best way to attract horny men is to dance with another woman. Lets the guys know you're interested, gives you a way to fob off any of the ones you aren't interested in," I slapped my belly, "Little bump and grind on the dance floor usually lets a woman know what a man has to offer when it's rubbing against your belly or behind."

That made Johnson laugh. "Not what I expected you to say, Chief."

I shrugged, "What can I say, I'm a dirty girl at heart," I jerked a thumb at the outside, "That's why mud don't bother me none. Not like I haven't had my bare butt on the dirt and my legs wrapped around some eager young stud," I admitted.

She shook her head. "Didn't think you'd say something like that, Chief."

I smiled, crushing out the cigarette on the bottom of my boot and putting the butt in my breast pocket. "I've invited you to dinner a few times, Lieutenant," I reminded her.

Johnson nodded slowly, flushing slightly, "I'd heard the rumors you were gay," she said.

"Figured I was gonna take you dinner, get you drunk, take advantage of you?" I asked.

"Yeah," She said. I could sense a slight reluctance on her part. I tried to stop myself, but training kicked in before I could stop it.

"Happen before?" I asked her. A nod. "Didn't or couldn't report it?" She nodded again. "Let me guess, Officer's Training Course," Another nod. "Male or female?"

"Female. One of the trainers," she admitted, flushing.

"Passed a test, they offered to take you to dinner at the O-Club, got you drunk, screwed you in her car?" I guessed. She nodded. "Yeah, it happens," I said, shrugging. "Had dicks crammed in me against my will my damn self," I admitted. "Hell, they took turns on me."

I lit a cigarette then leaned back. Johnson handed me an empty soda can. "Danke," I said.

She looked me up and down in the dim light and I knew she was looking at how thick my legs were, how wide my arms were. When her gaze got to my face I shook my head. "Don't matter none how big you are, whether or not yer armed. There's enough of them, if they're willing to soak up the damage, or maybe you just don't want your skull caved in, they're gonna get to do what they want to you," I shook my head. "Been raped by a woman before too. It happens."

Texas Nights - Book 13 of the Damned of the 2/19thNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ