Carly gestured for me to come over adding on a 'if you don't I will annoy you the rest of the night and quiet possibly your life that may not be that long because I'm thinking of killing you' glares. I smiled sweetly at her and stood up everyone else following.

I put on my most convincing smile and walked over to the group of three, the guys walking behind me. I heard a whack and glanced back to see Toby had hit Ash over the head.

"Stop staring at her ass," I heard Toby mutter and I rolled my eyes.

"Junior," I smirked embracing Logan.

"Mrs Skye," he nodded hugging me back.

I pulled out turning to his father, "you must be Logan senior, I've heard many things about you."

"Yes I am, nice to meet you..?" He trailed off waiting for me to finish it.

"Jackie Skye," I answered and he nodded.

"Of Skye airlines?" He questioned.

"That would most likely be my fathers company, I'm not too sure what he does," I shrugged.

"Would Damian be here tonight?" He asked with a smile.

"Unfortunately no," I shook my head.

"That's a shame, I wanted to compliment him on what a beautiful daughter he has," he smirked, like father like son it seems.

"This is my brother and the Parker family," I said as the boys came to stand next to me, I hadn't even realised they weren't following me when I first started talking.

"Sup," Ash nodded and Aiden elbowed him gesturing towards their parents that were approaching.

"Nice to see the famous Logan senior again," Toby smiled politely.

"Toby, I haven't seen you in years," mr Mitchell chuckled shaking his head.

"Yeah, I only just reconnected with your son, he lives in the same town with me and my sister now," Toby grinned and they did one of those man hugs.

Yes the same man hug that hurts your boobs if your a girl.

"So you discovered your real family, congratulations," Logan senior smiled.

And I thought he was suppose to be mean or something...?

"This is Peach and Simon Parker," Carly introduced to me the parents of the two idiots that seem to of stood up straighter then normal.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jackie Skye," I shook their hands they both looked to be in their early forties and were ageing gracefully.

"What brings you to the signing of the will?" Peach asked with a smiled, but it was fake.

"I have family I'm meeting with," I lied, well it wasn't totally a lie, I was meeting the Conserntlia's.

"Mr and mrs Parker, nice to see you again," Toby smiled and Peach's face instantly lit up.

"Toby, we haven't seen you in years wow you've grown," Peach gushed.

"When we adopted Aiden it was such a coincidence that he had met you at the same orphanage," Simon smiled.

"Suck up," I heard Logan mutter and I tried not to snicker.

The doors opened again and two more families walked in. Kamilo's and Bellen's.

The doors closed again cutting out the flashes as two families that seems to be paired off walked up to us, "Jackie!"

I rolled my eyes at Matt, as he ran over to me followed by a boy about a year younger.

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