'What?' He asked as he held onto me, supporting my balance.

'Your so cute~' I exclaimed pinching his cheeks, he is flushed with red over his face.

'Are you sure your okay? You have gone 2x crazier and ditzy in the head then before' He is right, I pouted, what the hell I never pout! My legs are moving by themselves and so are my arms. I think I'm drunk with the medicine drugs, haha

I pushed him down on the recovery bed...what the hell am I doing!?

'(Y-Y/N) What are you-' I hugged him, what the hell!? I am on top of the boy over a bed hugging him.

Great.Just Great.

Then the recovery woman came in again, not focusing on us. Todoroki blushed and held me up, acting like we were just sitting normally. Great acting dude.

'You don't have to act, I saw what happened, don't get distracted its just the drugs I gave her'

I giggled...But in a ditzy way...WHAT THE HELL!? I started rubbing his face and squishing his cheeks. And pulling on his ear and hair while pinching his nose and opening and closing his eyelids like I have never seen one in my life. Basically I am turning into Tarzan! Damn.

Then the bell that signals everyone off to go home rings.

'She is all yours.' Huh? The recovery girl stated, brushing some dust off of her clothes.

'W-what?' Todoroki stuttered while I was playing with his face, I was like a 2 year old!

'Allmight had clearly said he wanted you to take her to your house to keep an eye on her as she is in this condition, only until he comes back from his meeting.'

While touching his face I felt a smirk appearing on his face while focusing all his attention on The old lady not even caring what I did to him. Why is he smirking, what did that old lady say!?

Todoroki P.O.V

I CAN'T WAIT! I think Allmight realises my feelings for his daughter, that must be why he sent me to look after her. I love you Allmight! Not in that way...I will make you fall for me (Y/N) And I will be the only man you see, along with your dad and brother of course. I nodded to the old lady, while I felt the hands of my future wife running across my skin. She will be doing this to me in a few weeks or days, just you wait.

'Come on, lets go (Y/N)' I held her waist. Sensing her unbalanced gravity. 'Thank you Recovery girl, once again' I smiled to the woman and left, with my love in my arms.

Time skip 

I am still walking with (Y/N), I held her hand in case she were to fall or something. I was silent, while she blabbered nonsense not knowing the situation and state that she was in. I just simply listened to her voice. It was as beautiful as her.

Finally outside my house, it was easy to get her to her house after as she lives right across, anyway I opened my door and held her tightly against my chest, I didn't realise she was asleep. Aish this girl and her sleep. I rolled my eyes laughing a little. When I felt a presence behind me.

Just what I need right now!

I turned to see my dad. Better known as Endeavor, the worlds second biggest hero. I hate him. He was the one that abused my mother and only used her for the power, its called a Quirk arranged marriage, where you just marry to produce a stronger kind of a your powers joined together. He only produced me to become one, to beat Allmight, I wonder what his expression will become when he finds out I have a crush on Allmight's daughter and she is sleeping right now on me...

'Well look who finally decided to come ho-' He stared at the sleeping figure that I practically had my arms around, like I was protecting a child.

'Who is this?' He smirked winking at me.

'(Y/N) Toshinori, Allmight's daughter' I coldly stated. His smirk grew even wider, his hands was closer to her and was increasing every second, I slapped his hand away in disgust.

'Don't touch my (Y/N)' I growled at him knitting my eyebrows diagonally.

'Your (Y/N)? This is perfect~ Instead of defeating Allmight, and becoming the top superhero! You can just have a child with his daughter and create a stronger-' I cut him off as I pushed him away.

'I am not a scumbag like you, and I am not going to use her for that. I love her.' I spat.

'Her father, Allmight is a better dad to me than you will ever be!' I said after.

'And he has asked me with kind regards to keep her company, as she has been in a savvier injury and is not capable of looking after her self.' I finished off saying as I was about to take a step upstairs with (Y/N) still in my arms.

'Where does she live?' He asked. I turned around not changing my expression.

'Right opposite ours' His smirk grew wider as he winked once again.

'Have as much fun as you want up there, don't mind me, I am going out to deal with something.' He said as he left through the front door.

I sighed, bringing her back upstairs to my room placing her down on my bed. I didn't want to wake her up so I decided to take a quick shower.

Time skip

(Y/N) P.O.V

Hmmmm! I am so tired, what time is it? I rubbed my eyes and the first thing I saw was these digital numbers. 5:37pm... I raise my body up from the unknown bed, wtf! Where am I!? I really have to stop passing out and not knowing where I am.

I am still wearing my Hero costume what?! Oh I remember I was in the recovery room a moment ago-wait no that was 2 hours ago! I rubbed my nape from the dizziness I gained. And sorted out my blurry vision. I look up to see a sexy body... WAIT WHAT!?

Am I seeing this right!? AM I IN HEAVEN !? I SEE TONED ABS!


'Oh (Y/N), Your awake~' He smiled...What happened what did we do!? I was panicking now.

'W-where am I T-Todoroki...?' I stuttered he giggle while rubbing his hair with a towel. He was shirtless and wore shorts. So close to describing him as naked.

'Don't you remember, your in my room, Allmight sent for me to look after you while he was away'

He smiled, looking down at me, wait-what is he looking at- I looked down at myself and remembered the clothes I was wearing...it had a low neckline and was too short, fair enough to call it slutty or revealing...Oops...

He averted his eyes as he realised I caught on to what he was doing, looking at me 'there'.


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