"My sincerest apology for crashing into you and stepping on your shoes, its my fault for not looking where I was going and I am sorry for it, but if you want me to compensate, I can always take your shoes to get them polish clean again, and I can take your shirt to........" he lifted his hand, and I immediately step back again, never taking my eyes of his face, just in case he wants to hit me.

His eyes become even more stormy at my action and he clench his fist at his side, I really thought he was going to hit me.

But his next action surprise me, he grab my face smilling at me, even though it did not reach his eyes, 

"It will be my pleasure to train you the way I want for my pleasures, my lovely chocolate boy so be prepare for it, because I will not let you off easily" his accent is even thicker than before as he say this and my body trembles.

"And remember this, my name is Santier Alessi and I will be your master from now on" after he said that he walks away with two guys, that I did not even notice were there before, I did not even had the chance to look at them, I was too focus on that arrogant beast.

A hot beast mind you, but a beast none the less.

I am so confuse right now, that I was still standing there unmoving, my body and mind in shock from what just happened, has everyone wake up today crazy? Or is it just mess with Sylver day, I really need to know, because if its so, I will really appreciate that they send me a memo or something so I don't end up with these reactions.

After a while I hear and see snapping of fingers in front of my face, when I focus my eyes, I see that its Steps trying to get my attentiom, but even then I was not completely pull out of my stupor, so he grab my right arm and pull me towards the conference room.

"What's the matters Cuddles? Did you see a ghost or something?" He ask, looking at me worriedly, I shake my head 'no' at him, finally getting my brain to function again.

"Nothing is wrong Steps, just thinking about how crazy my day has been, first a smiling Sindy, then a sexy arrogant beast, I just hope I don't meet a goblin or a talking ant in the conference room, because that will surely send me over the edge" I murmur running my hand over my face in a frustrated manner.

He stop dragging my body and look at my face,

"What crazy stuff? Which sexy beast?" he ask confussion written all over his face.

I was going to answer him, when I saw Sindy standing at the door of the conference room, looking at us with a serious expression, she motion for us and I know that meant "Get your asses inside now".

Nodding at her, I turn back to Steps, "I will tell you later ok", he groan, then made a frustrated sound,

"You better, or I will torture you until I get all of the juicy tidbits" he says menacingly, yet he was hugging me the whole time with his small body.

In my ipinion he has the perfect body, he is slim but not skinny with a tone body, he is small in structure, but he is has a few inches taller than I am, standing at 5'6 and he is always hugging me, I really dont know why.

Who am I kidding? He hugs me because my body is soft and cuddle worthy hehehehehe.

Shaking of that thought, I follow him to the conference room, the moment we got inside the room my eyes are immediately drawn to the front of the room where that sexy, hot, deli...... I mean beast  is standing.

I don't know if he sensed my presence, but he immediately turns and look directly at me, my heart started beating really fast again, pounding away in my chest and my pants got tigh in that certain area, thank God my jacket covers my front.

Shit why do I feel like this for him? When the arrogant bastard made me feel bad about myself minutes ago.

He is looking at me with unreadable eyes, burning holes through me, heating up my skin and body, I could not tear my own eyes away from those compelling orbs, thankfully his eyes then shifts to Steps and they turned black.

I don't how, but I could feel his anger all the way to my side of the room, Steps was oblivious to this and he continue to cuddle and hug me, scared that this man would do something to my friend, I pull on his hand.

"Steps, we are in the conference room already, I think you should stop hugging me, people are looking" I said whispering lowly so only he can hear, he pouts as he pull away.

"But I love hugging you, you feel so soft and good, I can hug you all day" he give me a self satisfied smile, he is crazy I tell you, with no sense of danger.

Rolling my eyes at him "We are at work, so you better behave, futhermore I think one of the boss is looking over here" I continue in a rough whisper.

all of a sudden I hear Steps suck in his breath,

"Fuck me, that guy is hot and those identical guys with him are equally hot, I would never say no to that, he can fuck me any day, anywhere" he whisper yell, looking over at that beast.

My face got hot at Steps words, I'm so glad that my skin is dark because I would be in the hospital under constant surveillance, with the amount of times I blush,

"Steps stop being so vulgar, they might be able to hear you" I groan, dropping my eyes to the floor.

He pinch my side and was about to answer when Bob from the Administrative Department, stood up and asked everyone to be quiet so the meeting could begin.

I really wanted to bring up all the things that we needed in our department, but I decided againts it.

With that beast here, I wont be able to say anything without stumbling over my words and I really don't want to make a fool out of myself for a second time today.

Hey babies, hope you all are liking the story so far, please leave me a line in the comment section telling what you all think so far and vote too, they will both be greatly appreciated ^_^

Lots of Chocolate Kisses and Hugs from Mama Chocolate to all of you :D

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