Sighing I face him in the mirror,

"I really hope they don't shut us down Steps, I can't deal with that right now" I said, thinking about all the stuff I see on the news everyday, about lots of big business going bankrupt, stores closing down and people loosing their jobs and homes.

Just thinking about it makes me shudder, I have even stopped watching the news, I know one should always be up to date with all that is going on, but every time I turn my TV on and go to a news channel, I get depress, so I just watch Cartoons and Criminal Minds.

His dramatical gasp pull me out of my thoughts,

"Stop being such a pessimist Cuddles, our department makes lots of money for this place and its always busy here, so I don't think it will be closing down anytime soon............................... Besides our vacation time is coming up and it would be just plain cruel of them to do it now, but even if they do shut down we wont be so bad off, we make good money here too, so don't worry to much" he say this nodding his head as if what he just said is a done deal.

He is so optimistic sometime, I love him for it though, but I have to laugh at his dramatics,

"You are so dramatic Steps, you know that right? But let me correct you on one of the things you have wrong, you were right when you said the store makes lots of money, but we on the other hand just make enough to get by; yet here I am worrying about us closing down and you're thinking about vacation" I finish rolling my eyes at him in the mirror.

He roll his again and stick his tongue out at me,

"Of course I am worried more about our vacation, than the boss closing us down, it will not happen Cuddles, so just worry about the vacation you and I will take together, we're going to go some place sexy and I am warning you from now, I will not take no for an answer, you are going with me even if I have to drag you there kicking and screaming" he says, looking at me daring me to say no.

Squirming under his gaze, "I have school, Mops and Velvet may not be able to go" I hurriedly say mentioning our two other friends, he continue to look at me seriously, "Can't we go another time?"  I complaint.

He smile evilly, " Don't worry about Mops and Velvet, they will get drag there too, you know I will get what I want, and you have no rights to complain, we are going on this trip whether you like it or not, so you can get your ass cherry pop once and for all" he point his finger at me, still smiling.

Immediately I became uncomfortable, and started fidgeting around with my clothes, pulling on my shirt,

"Stephano you know I wont be doing anything like that if we go, the key word being "If" we go, besides you know that tops always looks for the small, cute and sexy twinks, you and I both know that I don't fit any of those description on that list" I say gesturing to my chubby body.

Lifting his hand, he brings it down hitting me on the head, staring at me angrily,

"Stop putting yourself down, I have told you a million time that you are cute and sexy so don't do it again, because if I were a top I would have tear that bubble butt of yours to pieces" he say wiggling his brows at me, coming closer.

I gasp at his words, he really has an uncivilize tongue,

"Stephano don't say such things at work, its not appropiate and stop being so nasty" I chastise him looking around to see if anyone had heard him, I see Bob from accounting looking over at us, but I quickly look away from him, he just make me feel uncomfortable, I shiver feeling uneasy, but ignoring it I got back to Steps.

I could feel the heat going up on my cheeks, he is so vocal with sexual things, but I can only love the crazy guy.

He roll his eyes again at me,

"I’m just saying the truth Cuddles, you just don't want to see or hear it, let me tell you there are a lot of guys that would love to do the same thing I just said, but you are always lock up in that apartment, running away from them, but soon there will come a guy that will drag you out of your tower and tear that ass up, you just mark my words"I can only look at him with my mouth hang open .

After I come out of my shock, I glare at him, then sigh,

"I am not running away Steps, I just know they don't want me, how many times have we been to clubs and they always just walk by and never say anything to me? So I just don't throw myself at them, when I know it will be a fail, also I'm good like this" I finish in a hush tone.

He open his mouth and I know I was about to get it, but thankfully before he could say anything, a voice is heard on the intercom, calling everyone in for a meeting, to be attended immediately.

He stop wiggling his hips, glare at me playfully and pout his mouth,  "This conversation is far from over, I will deal with you later" then he walks off swinging his hips again to the beat of another song that was on, as he walk towards the conference room.

Sighing I thank my lucky stars, but I know that soon he will get me again.

Shaking my head, I headed to the locker room area, to get my notebook out of my locker, to list of all the things needed in our department and to write down any important information that is discuss.

I got the notebook quickly and hurried out of the room to get to the conference before Sindy reverts back to the bitch she normally is.

I once again made my way back over to my department then begin walking slowly to the conference room, I had my head down thinking about what Steps said earlier and he could be right in certain things; maybe I should loosen up a little and try to go out more and enjoy some good time.

I was so deep in thoughts that I was not looking where I was going, until I ran head first into a wall, well it felt like a wall a hard one, but there is one problem with that theory, I positively know, that there is no wall in this particular spot, so I jump back startled and look up.........................

Hey my babies, I hope you all enjoyed the new changes on this chapter, I am really enjoying going over everything again, I am also doing it so you all can enjoy a better read, whether its for my old babies who are telling me they want to re-read or the new babies who are just getting started.

Please enjoy and don't forget to tell me what you think by leaving me a line in the commnent section.

Much Love from Mama Chocolate ^_^

THE BEAST AND HIS LOVE FOR CHOCOLATE (ManxMan)Where stories live. Discover now