Falling Slowly (Song in Media)

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Hellooooo!Ari here!I love all of the feedback I've been receiving!Thank you for hanging in there with me with my crazy writing that can get tedious sometimes.Thanks to everyone who stuck around!P.S. This chapter is uber uber sad sorry bout it!It had to be done!Don't hold back those tears(psh like you'll cry)Thanks anywhoo!

♥Love,love,love Ari


"At the scene on arrival paramedics weren't able to do anything to save Jewel because her accident was so instant.The driver of the vehicle, was Jewel ,and she was on her way home to visit her family.Natalie lost control of the wheel and drove into the opposite lane and in front of a 16 wheeler truck.The driver didn't see her and the two vehicles impacted"

Zane stood up and towered to his feet rushing over to me

I felt small and like I disappeared in the room of emptiness.I pushed him away from me.My head spun and my breath was sucked out of my body.This isn't real.This isn't happening.I squeezed my eyes shut.I ran my fingers roughly through my hair tugging bits and pieces in distress.

It is real.This is happening.I sobbed with all what was left in my body.I shook and trembled trying to catch my breath.Nothing helped.My chest felt like it was turned inside out and no air could enter my lungs.I collapsed onto the floor clenching my stomach and balling up into nothing.I hit my head on the way down and blacked out shooting pain through my entire body.

Chapter 8:Falling Slowly

"Is she alright?"Hunter's voice broke the emptiness as he bolted alongside the swaying bed being pushed by a nurse.

"She collapsed"Zane's presence warmed my fingertips.He was holding my hands, and was pressed against the bed blocking the view from Hunter

"She hadn't eaten much today and she was under a lot of stress"the nurse added

We rounded the corner in the cold hospital halls and a familiar stomp peeled a smile across my face.

"Scar"I muttered slowly prying open my eyes all the way

"Thank God"she hollered with tears in her eyes and rushed over the the now parked hospital bed in my tiny isolated room.

Zane's fingers snapped back instantly.Scar stroked my sweaty forehead and she kissed my hand which had tubes and IV's connected to a machine.I was dressed in an itchy hospital gown with blue flowers on the front.My face rushed cold.I don't like needles.

"No,get them out now"I demanded tugging on a nurses scrubs next to me

"Honey,you need them"she reassured clipping a heart rate monitor to my fingertip

"Either you do it, or I do it"I threatened grasping the pumping tubes in my clammy hands

"Stop"Hunter ripped my hand off the tubes.

I looked up at him and he had his hair in swirls on the top of his head and red patches under his neck.Just what I suspected.

"You made out with Madison while I was stuck at school!"I declared instead asking the question

"We had detention"he mumbled softly and shot a glance over at Scarlett

Hunter rubbed his neck with his fingers and slipped into a chair in the corner of the room.Guilty as charged.The nerve.Zane and Scarlett backed into a couch and slithered down quietly

"Mom..."I remembered clutching my stomach where I felt the pain

Everyone's eyes dropped to the floor and the nurse stepped up to me.I shot up in the bed.Something was wrong.

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