Hurley Swirley (Picture of Madison)

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Scar perked up in her seat and clenched my arm tightly while I scratched at the paint on the desk.

"What?"I nearly screeched in pain

"There he is!"her face lit up and she pretty much cut off the circulation in my arm

I glanced up and looked at the door.Mrs.Newman,a small young teacher with black hair that was slapped in a bun and thick glasses perched on her nose,shook hands with the guy.He looked up and I saw who it was.He grinned at me and waved.

"Zane.."I breathed

Chapter 5:Hurley Swirley

Please don't sit over here,please don't sit over here"I mumbled under my breath while clenching my teeth and looking down at my feet

"You know him?"Scarlett gasped gripping my wrist and shaking my arms around

"He's my new noisy neighbor"I grumbled as he slung his grey backpack over his shoulder and Mrs.Newman pointed to our table.He was dressed in slim denim jeans and a tight white t-shirt that advertised his bundle of muscles.

"Dammit"I complained shifting in my chair,as I smacked Scar's tight grip off of me

He promenaded over to our table turning every girls head in the classroom.The room almost became completely mute as everyone gazed at him as if he really were Spiderman.He wrinkled his forehead and looked around the room confused;mentally shooting arrows through their throbbing hearts.Zane slipped into the seat across from me while knocking his knees against mine.

"Is there something taped on my back"he whispered in his minty breath sending chills across my arms.

I nervously bit my lip and shook my head.His back was to the board so all I could see was a load of Zane,since he was in front of me.He smelled fruity again,but it seemed to suit him.

"Is that my shampoo?"I asked quickly reeling my feet away from his

"Yeah,I went out and bought it myself"he chuckled ruffling his hair that grew up his forehead in a widow's peak and spiked up in the front.

Scar stomped on my toe causing me to jump up and slam my knees into the framing of the desk creating a large thump.Everyone's eyes darted over to me.Including the teacher.

"Ms.Jewel,stop playing footsies!"she snapped in her monotoned voice

"Introduce me"Scarlet faked coughed quietly so that only I could hear her

"Uh,sorry Mrs.Newman"I blushed rubbing my bruised knees and acknowledging Scarlett

I opened my mouth about to quietly introduce my needy best-friend to Zane,but Mrs.Newman began lecturing about the class requirements.I plopped my head in my hands as she drowned on.

"Were going to be doing partner portrait paintings"Everyone cheered and high-fived

"I'm choosing your partners.It has to be either of your partner ,or you... AND it must be in a nature setting"she snickered pushing up her glasses with her forefinger

"UGHH!"Everyone groaned in the class

She named the pairs of people,and Scar pinched my sides hoping that her and I would be partnered up together.

"Scarlett Jett and ...Madison Hurley"she called off 

I jumped at that name.I didn't even notice Madison was in the class.I was surprised that I didn't feel her staring a hole through my brain.

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