Mixed Signals & Shattered Mirrors (Picture of Caleb)

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"Take her home,Zane"my Dad huffed out of the room following Scar

Zane covered my eyes and pressed my head into his chest.Rocking back and forth and slipping slowly down the empty hall.

"It's going to be alright,Clumsy"he smirked and made me giggle by wiping a tear off of my cheek

Nurses and doctors rushed past us toward room 347 to retrieve my mom's body while Zane carried me down the tight hallway.

Chapter 9: Mixed Signals & Shattered Mirrors

I rose in my bed in the early morning in my hospital gown.No noises,but just quiet.Hunter hadn't come home after running off .Zane dropped me off at my house and slugged back to his silently,for some unknown reason.Scarlet and my Dad were out searching for Hunter still.The clock read 7 o'clock. a.m.I had school.

I ripped the hot blankets off of me.I couldn't sleep with blankets on without my noisy ceiling fan running.I threw the hideous gown down and buried into a big grey sweatshirt that swallowed my tiny frame with dark ripped jeans to match my mood.I slipped down the stairs and into the bathroom.I looked in the polished mirror.

My blue eyes were puffy and swollen from crying and falling asleep.I looked just like my dad.I wish I could have looked like my mom ,like Hunter did.My hair was sandy champagne and curly and my eyes were sapphire.Hunter's eyes were copper and his fringe was auburn and straight ,but shaggy.

I took a rapid shower.I pinched my tangled hair into a high pony-tail and brushed my teeth.I slung my bag over my shoulder and shuffled out the hefty front door.

I used to walk to school before Hunter got his license.It was nothing new.I stumbled over cracks on the way in the sweltering summer rays.Why was I so clumsy?

"Ugh"I grunted as I tripped on air in front of the school's parking lot.

I scanned the slots that were usually occupied by the same cars everyday.No Hunter,no Scarlett.I sighed and continued slugging to class.

"ZoEYYY!"I heard a familiar call that I haven't heard all summer that cracked a grin on my face.

"CaLEEB!"I answered his call and sprinted toward him

I leaped on Caleb,gave him a tight squeeze,and wrapped my legs around his waist.His large muscles, that I always remembered, pierced against my stomach through his white t-shirt and dark jean jacket.Caleb had left to Hawaii over the summer and had gotten a light toasty tan,but he still smelt the same;like lavender.

He was the other piece to Scar and I.My other best friend.He had short choppy brown hair that was flicked up in different directions, bits of stubble on his chin and above his lips,his dark blue eyes glowed so bright that even I was jealous of them, and a tight smile that shined from his perfect teeth.

"Hey,babe"he grinned plopping me back down to the ground "How ya' been?"

My stomach flopped when I remembered my mom.Grr.Why does everyone ask?

"Tough.."I shoved my hands in my saggy sweatshirt

"What happened?"he plucked my hand out of my pocket and we started walking onto the campus

I bit my lip trying to hold back the annoying tears.I opened my mouth about to speak but I crashed myself into him.I cried hard against his chest almost crumpling to the ground it startled him ,but he held me up.

"It's going to be alright.."he mumbled in a soft tone swirling his hand on my back

"My mom.....she gone..she d-died"I huffed in between sobs

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