Karma's A Bitch

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Hello it's Ari!I'd like to make out a special thanks to 3ild_ch1ld a.k.a Layla!She's super awesome haha!If you haven't fanned her OR read any of her books you must be crazy!Please go check out her stories I la-la-la love them ♥She's a Cali girl just like me haha!Anyways go go go check her out!Fan,vote, and message!BADABING!Lol!Just a heads up this chapter is a crazy tornado!If you need any help or have any questions I can answer them for you!Pretty please comment and let me know if you like it!Gotta go bye now!OH WAIT I'd like to have a special thankies to JJtheJetplane69 because she is also awesome and I enjoy talking to her haha!She's really sweet and cool!Go check her out too >:D.Sorry for the long message!KBYE!


He chugged down water along with a few pills.His face flushed white and he ran toward a trash can in the room suddenly.He puked up violently and he looked petrified and dazed.He gathered his clothes and started heading in my direction where I stood silent and still.

The front door of the dance room flew open and Scar barged in.

"Zoey where are you? I was calling for you down the halls!"she echoed in the empty room

I lost my balance and fell from behind the mat dramatically and slipped into full sight.Zane's chocolate eyes froze on me and Scar stopped in her tracks awkwardly.

"What are you doing in here,Zoey?"Zane's voice rung sharply as he cleared his throat offended

Chapter 10:  Karma's A Bitch

I sprung up and back onto my feet.I looked over at Scar for help,but she was too busy licking her lips at Zane's hot body.Zane frowned his eyebrows further and he looked pissed.

Scar was wearing a orange floral dress that stopped a little above her knees with matching sandals and her brown hair was curled to perfection.Scarlett never wore dresses.

"I umm..."I bit my bottom lip and my cheeks boldly flushed pink

"I told her to meet me in here!"Scarlett interrupted.She looked over at me and winked lightly

I sucked air in my chest,finally breathing and resurfacing from drowning in embarrassment.I nodded my head in agreement.

"Oh....,well I have to leave"Zane rushed out staring a hole through me and the door slammed behind him.

My eyes were stinging.I felt guilty for invading his privacy.Whatever I saw,Scar didn't because she was too busy blabbing on about his body.My stomach just didn't feel right because Zane knew that I saw him.

"And his little bum was too cute!"Scar pinched mine mocking what she would have done to Zane causing me to snap back.

"Stop!...but thanks for the save"I slouched remembering his pissed face and I rubbed my ass

"That's what friends are for,but why are you back here in the first place?"she gave me that "mom look" and twirled her waist in her dress

"Well..it's a long story..Did you know Caleb's back?"I scratched my arm trying to transfer topics

"Yes I saw him already,Zoey...."she squinted her eyes at me 

"Fine!I was following Zane,whatever!What's so wrong about that?"I ranted defensively

"I swore you hated him.."she giggled

"Who says I still don't"I crossed my arms and took defense

"Well you better not,remember he took you home last night"she lectured and swung open the door to the creepy dance studio and we trudged back down to the main hallways. 

The Boy Next DoorOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz