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Check out a slideshow in the media of Zane's artwork. >>>>>>>The artwork is actually Agnes Cecile. She's my favorite artist of all time and inspired me to write this chapter.So take a look at that if you shall.


Scar slapped my hand away and looped her arm with mine luring me towards the lunch room. We entered through the double doors and I saw him planted at the usual table.

A dark cuffed beanie was pulled snug over his ears and his rosy cheeks lit up his smile as he talked. He had on a tight white long sleeved thermal that showed of his body and a black scarf was looped endlessly around his neck. His attention was focused on the tray of food in front of him. But there were two trays. Hunter was next to him and waving at us like a dork with french fries hanging out of his mouth. Zane's eyes flickered up and suddenly glowed when he saw me. I couldn't hear him from that far away but his plump lips moved and mouthed:

"Hey, Beautiful"

Chapter 25: Galler-Z

"Where are we going?" I poked Zane in the cheek for the tenth time

"It's a surprise, Zoey" he said with eyes glued to the road and one hand secured on the leather steering wheel

His other hand was clamped comfortably with mine in his lap. Zane's eyes occasionally flickered down at my fingers which brought a smile to his face. Which, of course, brought one to mine too.

The afternoon sun was doing it's job of coming out, for once, and there were clear skies that day. The sky was a peachy orange and strawberry pink swirl. The perfect weather since it was after school. Scar and Hunter abandoned us to go have a date or something. Who knows?

"You painted your nails" Zane spoke before hitting the turning signal with his free hand

"You actually noticed something, wow!" I giggled and stared at the shiny purple polish coating my trimmed nails

I flashed back to Scar pestering me into getting a purple nail polish. I wanted clear polish, but she said that we couldn't get mani/pedi's together and get a clear coat. I only agreed to the color because Scar paid for the whole shabang, but I guess it wasn't a bad choice after all.

"You also wore mascara, but I don't notice anything" he pointed out mockingly

"You're a guy, how do you know what that is?" I giggled and squeezed his warm hand

"Didn't you know, I read Cover Girl magazines in my free time?" he exaggerated and added "Where do you think I get all these beauty tips from? " before shaking his mop of hair in a way-too-practiced hair flip

"The dumpster" I joked and slapped down the button for all the windows to roll down

The sharp pop of air whipped his hair around his head, but he didn't have a hand to roll them up.

"Very funny!" he hollered over the wind that sent his brown locks whirling all over his face

After having a good laugh, I eventually rolled up the windows in a heavy fit of laughter.

"Didn't you know, when you ride in a car with windows down, that you pull you hair into a ponytail?" I laughed and pointed to the ponytail on my head

"Ahh, good ol' page forty two" he chuckled deeply and flashed his oh-so-handsome smile

The next thing I know we were screeching up to a halt in front of the old gallery.

"The old gallery?" I rose an eyebrow

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