Confessions From an Ex-Bestfriend (New Picture Of Zane)

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They passed us effortlessly like we were one of the lockers attached to the walls and didn't even exist. The cloud of perfume lingered afterwards and made me sick to my stomach. Scar's mouth hung open and matched mine.

"Don't, Zoey"she sighed "Don't waste your time"

I felt careful warm hands slip around my waist from behind and a familiar fruity scent cloaked me. His moist lips kissed my cheeks and his thick sweatshirt warmed my body. I sighed in relief. It was Zane.

Chapter 20: Confessions From an Ex-Bestfriend

"I found your problem" Zane spoke softly into my neck and glared towards Madison and Caleb pressed up against a locker making out

Her dark hair cloaked her pretty little face, but his vibrant blue eyes were wide open and staring dead at me. Caleb was way taller than I ever realised because Madison was seriously struggling to balance on her toes. Almost like it was some sort of work out.

When I kissed Caleb, I struggled like that too, but forget about that.

Out with the old, in with the new.

"They're making me look bad" I grumbled and Zane frowned at my words

"I don't think you look bad" he ran his fingers across my stomach playfully and then planted cute little kisses on my forehead

"Awee!" Scar interrupted and Zane's chocolate brown eyes glowed as he laughed at her

"Sorry" she slapped a hand over her mouth

I noticed that Scarlett was also wearing a sweatshirt and jeans. It was just one of those days.

"Hey, do you mind if I eat lunch with you girls?" Zane tugged on the ends on his loose black beanie covering his hair

"Sure" her frantic eyes darted over for my approval

Actually it was more of a Good lord, Zane the hot guy is asking for my opinion  kind of look.

"What?" I blinked rapidly trying to take in his words

"Zoey, I'm fine" he laced his hand with my own

It's like he read my mind. But before I could respond, I heard more obnoxious giggling from down the hall and I glared over in disgust.

I let out an over dramatic sigh as the lovers detached lips. Caleb had the nerve to flash his bright smile at me after Madison swished off to the cafeteria like she was a platinum trophy wife or something.

Madison was nothing new, obviously, everyone had a taste of her saliva. She was a slut and got around to just about every guy. Such as Hunter, Zane, and Caleb. Known as my brother, my boyfriend, and my best guy friend.

My point exactly. Slut.

I couldn't let her get in his head and like she did before. It was like her goal was to sabotage my life. Or steal just steal things from it.

"You two go ahead and grab a table, I'll catch up" I flicked my hand carelessly and started down the hallway

"You sure?" Zane hooked his hand on my lower back shooting hot tingles up my spine

"Just do what the lady says" Scar yanked him hilariously by his sweatshirt strings and they disappeared into the cafeteria

I sighed heavily and contemplated while Caleb shuffled the junk in his open locker. What was I going to say? I couldn't just blatantly say: Madison is a slut stay away from her. It didn't work like that. I guess I had to wing it.

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