The Boy Next Door

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This may be the last chapter, BUT if you want to check out my other story Life's A Beach go for it! 


"Caleb has long decided that he wants to be Zane's kidney donor and the transplant operation is scheduled for today" Ms. Lori completed while standing in front of them

A smile shot across my face and my heart swelled in admiration. The door pivoted open and Scar, Hunter, Mrs. Leone, and my father entered all in smiles and understanding.  I ran up to the boys in the gowns and crashed into both of their chests.

"I love you guys" I whined through tears of joy

"That's what friends do" Caleb chuckled while lifting me into his and Zane's arms

Caleb was my miracle.

Chapter 23: The Boy Next Door

My eyes flickered open and I checked the time projected on the clock in the pitch black waiting room. 

Three in the morning.

Light from the empty hallway drowned inside the doorway causing my eyes to adjust to the once dark surroundings.

"Zoey.." Ms. Lori's little voice echoed through the hall

My head darted to the empty chairs next to me. Everyone had left.

"Yes?" my voice croaked 

"Ready?" her body emerged into the doorway and strutted towards me

I struggled to stand up on my weak legs and my eyes blinked in a daze. Ms. Lori supported my arm and lead me drowsily next to her with my hair hanging in my face.

"Did you get some sleep?" her voice softened as she lured me towards the room

I nodded my head in silence which began to throb uncontrollably and I squinted my eyes in pain.

"You okay?"

"Just a headache.." I breathed roughly and bit my bottom lip harshly

We ambled up to the door and Ms. Lori cracked it open, letting the light leak into the dark room. I managed to make out two lumps in two separate beds stuffed under messy blue hospital covers.  Monitors were beeping, tubes were tangled everywhere, and an old television with lost signal buzzed in the corner.

"Goodnight, Zoey" Ms. Lori waved and shut the door after herself

Instinctively, I knew which one was Zane and crawled in front of his warm body face to face. My head fell heavily onto his brawny chest which heaved up and down like a machine. Tiny snores slipped past his pink lips and his hand carelessly rushed to my waist shooting his warmth through me. Zane's lashes rested on his rosy cheeks and the corners of his lips twitched into a faint smile.

He knew it was me.

"Hey, Spidey" I whispered and lightly kissed the tip of his nose

The smile grew and then softly faded away in his sleep. I twined my fingers with his while trying to avoid bumping into tubes, his stitches, and drainage bags. My heart flickered warmly and everything felt right. Everything was going right for once.

Just as I was about to doze off, warm lips hit mine and large fingers slipped behind my neck to pull me closer. I hooked my arms around his neck and slid my fingers through the hair on the nape of his neck. Zane's heavy cool breath blew across my face and stippled down my spine. His lips slowly worked over mine like he'd used every ounce of his energy just to kiss me. He brushed the hair out of my eyes gently and finished with a sweet kiss on my forehead

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