Drunken Secrets

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Flashlights scanned the sea and I made out the faces of Scar,Hunter,Gavin,Caleb,and his girls.

"Shit,the after party at the gallery"Zane muttered as he noticed the people and dropped my hand

"What after party?"my eyes widened

"Zoey,you're prom Queen"he sighed and a wave crashed against his back

"What?"I squealed with excitement

Chapter 17:Drunken Secrets

"You won prom Queen"Zane repeated as another wave crashed against his ripped body and barely fazed him

"But Madison!"I shook my head stubbornly while gripping his arms

"You won.I already saw the ballads so I threw you a surprise party at the gallery"he wiped the water off of his lips

"I won!"I smiled as a wave crashed against my shoulders knocking me backwards

"Yeah,you both won.You and Caleb"he forced a smile

"Oh"I mumbled and turned back to the crowd flagging me in at the edge of the water

"Go.The party is for you"he looked down into the murky water

"Are you?"my eyes read his face clearly

"Um..no I gotta..I'm kinda busy tonight..I guess,but I have to lock up the gallery later"he stuttered and his voice dropped

"Oh.....Okay.I guess I better get going"I released his arms and drifted away slowly

"Zoey"Zane called out

I turned around and a salty wave smacked my chest

"Call me if you need anything...if you need my number it's on the note that's been sitting in your room since I gave it to you"he held a straight face and I gulped

"Okay"I choked out the words

I slowly paddled to the shore and stood up in the squishy sand.Scar rushed up and helped me out.

"So romantic"she cooed while admiring Zane float away

"Sure we'll go with that"I muttered as the rest of the crew walked up

"Did he blow you off?Did you get busy in the water?"she wiggled her eyebrows

"No and no,Scar"I hissed at her 

"Hey" Caleb chimed while walking up

They all had already changed into less dressy clothes.Caleb had a blue button-up plaid shirt and tan pants.His hands were buried into his pockets as he walked up.The wind flickered the tips of his blonde hair on the top of his head and I could see his bright smile even in the dark.

"Hey"I blushed as a chill hit my practically nude body

"Cold?"he chuckled while unbuttoning his shirt

"No,no it's fine Cal-"he cut me off by draping the warm fabric over my body

"Thanks"I blushed glancing down at his abs 

Wow.I never realized how ripped Caleb really was.

"Now what are you gonna wear?"I giggled as he slung his arm around my shoulder

"I can just stop by the store on the way there"he flashed his white smile

Scar scrambled up to us with my dress and shoes.I hadn't noticed we'd been walking up the sand path.The girls,Gavin,and Hunter followed behind her.I glanced back in the water and I saw Zane walking away on the wet sand with his clothes in his hands.I felt bad.He did this all for me,but he wasn't even coming.

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