Chapter Twenty-Six: Mistakes

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Evan stood in front of the Murphy house, slowly beginning to walk up to the door.

He walked up the porch and hesitated for a second before ringing the doorbell.

He waited one minute, and no one came to the door.

Either no one was home, or Connor was the only one home.

Evan opted for the latter.

He turned the door handle, but it was locked.

He stood for a second, thinking about what to do, when he got an idea.

He looked at the tree next to his house. One of the branches was near Connor's window.

He decided he'd take a page from Connor's book.

He walked towards the tree and slowly started to scale it, which was hard to do with his arm.

Soon, he reached one of the top branches, which was quite thick, and slowly walked across it, arms stretched out to balance.

He reached Connor's window, sat down on the branch and knocked.

Sure enough, Connor was there. He looked at Evan, confused, and opened the window.

"What are you doing here? Zoe's not home," he said.

Evan sighed. "Can I come in?"

Connor scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "Uh, yeah, sure," he said, stepping to the side to let Evan in.

Clumsily, Evan began to climb through the window.

"Uh... need help there?" Connor asked.

"I'm good," Evan said. He pushed himself through and fell to the floor.

Connor helped him up.

"So..." Connor said, looking a bit uncomfortable and tense.

"Connor, I... Isabel told me the truth."

Connor's eyes widened in surprise. "Really?"

He nodded. "Honestly, she told me she never really liked you that way, she did it for other reasons."

"I don't know if I should be offended or not," Connor said, smiling.

Evan laughed a bit. "She... she did it because her step dad told her to. He wanted revenge. So much, in fact, that he even got Isabel to steal my cheque."

"What cheque?"

"The five thousand dollars from the competition," he replied.

"They took it?" He exclaimed. Evan nodded.

"So who the fuck is her step dad? I just want to have a nice little talk..." he said, becoming angry.


Connor looked at Evan. "As in..."

"Yes, as in my dad."

"I knew he was a dick."

"Mom also warned me," Evan said. "But I didn't listen."

Connor nodded.

"Listen, Connor... I'm so sorry I didn't believe you. I... I don't know why I was such an idio-"

"Evan. It's fine. I don't blame you," Connor said kindly.

"Can... can I kiss you?" Evan blurted out.

Connor smiled and pulled him into a sweet kiss.

He kissed back, realising how much he'd missed this.

Realising how much he'd missed Connor.

Connor grabbed his waist, closing the space between them.

Evan put his arms around Connor's neck, smiling into the kiss.

"I've missed you so much," Connor mumbled into the kiss. He pulled away, there foreheads touching.

"I've missed you, too," he smiled, pulling him into another kiss.

"Hey, asshole, mom was wonderi-"

Evan and Connor pulled away as they saw Zoe walk in the room, stopping in her tracks.

"Evan, what the fuck are you doing?" She asked.

Evan shrugged. "He was telling the truth."

"Ever heard of knocking, Zoe?" Connor grumbled.

"I... I'm sorry. I'll leave you guys alone." With that, Zoe left.

"Now," Connor said, one again grabbing Evan's waist. "Where were we?"

Evan smiled, kissing Connor passionately.

After a few seconds, he pulled away. Connor frowned slightly.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

Evan shook his head. "Had... had we ever officially broken up?" He asked. "Because if we did, I don't want us to be apart anymore. I want to go back to being your boyfriend."

Connor smiled, kissing the smalled boys head. "I want that too, Tree Boy," he said, kissing him.

Evan felt estatic.

He had his boyfriend back.

No more lying, no more 'cheating'.

Just trust, loyalty and love.


"Do you want to stay over?" Connor asked.

"I'd love to, but I don't have my pajamas," Evan replied sadly.

Connor shrugged.

"It's okay, you can sleep in my hoodie," he said.

Evan smiled. "Are you sure?"

"No. I want you to leave," Connor said, seeming serious for a moment. Then he began to laugh. "Of course I'm sure."

"Thanks, Connie," he smiled. "I'll just text my mom." Evan pulled out his phone.

Evan: Hey mom, I'm going to stay over at a friend's place tonight. Hope that's okay

Mom: That's fine with me, honey. Love you xx

Evan: Love you too

Evan put his phone on Connor's bedside table.

"I can stay," he said happily.

Connor smiled. "Great!" Connor pulled off his hoodie and threw it at Evan. He had a black shirt on underneath.

"Put this on."

Evan stood there for a second, hoodie in his arms, looking uncomfortable.

Connor chuckled a bit and turned around, going through his dresser. "I'm not looking."

Evan pulled off his polo shirt and quickly threw on Connor's hoodie. It was way to big on him.

Connor threw a pair of black sweatpants over his shoulder and sat on the floor, his back to Evan.

"Sleeping in jeans is uncomfortable, so there you go," he said. "And I'm still not looking, by the way."

Evan pulled on the sweatpants and picked up his polo shirt and jeand, walking over to kiss Connor on the cheek.

"You ready?" Connor asked. Evan nodded.

The two boys climbed into Connor's bed, facing each other, smiling.

Evan threw his arms around Connor and the two fell asleep in each other's arms.

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