Chapter Nine: Bath Bombs and Musicals

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A/N: The video is the song Connor and Evan sing later in the chapter.

Evan slowly woke up, blinking and rubbing his eyes.

He and Connor were in his bed, and Evan had his broken arm wrapped around Connor. He was sleeping peacefully.

Zoe and Alana were still on the floor, and Alana had both of her arms wrapped around Zoe.

Jared was nowhere to be seen.

Evan sighed and got up, trying not to disturb Connor and shuffled down to the end of his bed so he wouldn't have to climb over Connor.

He walked to the door, smiling at how cute Zoe and Alana were together, then slowly opened the bedroom door and quietly shut it.

Evan thought for a moment. Where would Jared be?

Evan started to head downstairs to the kitchen when he heard a noise down the hall.

It was coming from the bathroom.

Evan slowly walked towards the bathroom, completely done with Jared.

He saw that the door was wide open, so he walked in to find Jared shoving some bath bombs into a backpack.

"Jared?" Evan asked sleepily. "What are you doing?"

Jared looked up at Evan, looking like a deer in headlights.

"I... um... I can explain-"

"Why are you taking the bath bombs?"

Jared sighed. "Okay, I'll be honest. I actually liked the taste."

Evan looked at Jared, then started laughing. "No way!"

"Shut up," Jared murmured.

Evan continued laughing, and soon Connor, Zoe and Alana were in the bathroom.

"What's going on? You woke us up," Zoe said, clearly annoyed and tired.

"Jared was taking my bath bombs," Evan laughed.

Connor looked at Jared, suspicious. "Why?"

Jared's face was red. "Because... I... Uh..."

"He was going to eat them," Alana said in disbelief. Soon, they were all laughing, except for Jared.

"It's okay, Jared. No judgement," Evan said, still giggling.

"Doesn't seem that way to me," Jared said.

"It's okay, Jared. You eat those goddamn bath bombs if you want," Alana said, giggling.


After the bath bomb incident, Zoe suggested they play karaoke. Everyone was excited, except for Evan. The only person who had heard him sing was his mother, and that was years ago.

"How about we only sing songs from musicals?" Alana suggested.

Everyone agreed, even though Jared seemed reluctant.

Zoe and Alana began with a duet. They sang Seventeen from Heathers: The Musical.

Their voices were beautiful together. Evan didn't know they were such good singers.

"You're the one I choose..." They ended together.

Evan applauded, and so did Connor and Jared.

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