Chapter Three: Epiphany

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Connor woke up to light shining on his face. He looked around to discover he was in a room that wasn't his.

It was a small room, with a double bed with a wooden bed frame and red doona covers, a white bedside table, a small wooden desk and a closet towards the corner of the room. Pictures of trees decorated the walls.

'Where the fuck am I?' Connor thought to himself. He looked to his side to discover his arms wrapped around a small, sleeping blonde boy.


Then Connor remembered. He had gone to Evan's house the previous day. He obviously fell asleep.

Connor looked over at the digital alarm clock on the bedside table. 9:17. It was a Monday, but Connor didn't care about school.

After all, nothing he did at school mattered in the end. All of those hours wasted on homework and sleep lost on assignments didn't matter. He was never going to make an impact on the world. He was a freak, the 'school shooter'.

And anyway, even if he did, death was inevitable. Just like oblivion. He was going to die someday and be forgotten, so why did he have to spend countless hours a day slaving over assignments for his teachers who wouldn't appreciate the work and effort he-

"Connor?" Connor's existential crisis was interrupted by a mumble from Evan. Connor looked in his blue eyes.

"Hey, tree boy."

Evan smiled.

'His smile is adorable. Heck, he's adorable,' Connor thought.

Evan blushed. "O-oh! Um, thanks, I guess."

Connor's eyes widened. "Did I say that out loud?"

Evan nodded.

Connor silently scolded himself. 'Good going, Connor. You've only known this kid for a few days and you've probably already scared him away with your excessive gayness.'

"Y-You're the adorable one. I'm not," Connor heard a voice say quietly. Evan was still blushing.

Connor scoffed. "Have you seen us? I'm the freak, the 'school shooter'. You're a small, cute boy with an adorable obsession with trees."

"Y-Yeah, but I have a-anxiety. There's nothing a-adorable about that." Connor looked at Evan.

"Shut up, Evan. You're fucking adorable. Own it." Connor ruffled the boy's hair.

Evan blushed and looked over at his clock. His eyes widened with worry.

"Oh! Connor, you're late for school!"

Evan was off school for the week due to his broken arm

"Fuck school. It doesn't matter. I'd rather stay here with you," Connor responded.

"Oh! Um, are you sure? W-won't your parents be mad?" Evan asked. Connor shrugged.

"Probably, but they won't be surprised. I'm already a huge disappointment in their eyes," he said. Evan looked at him.

"I'm sure you're not," he tried to reassure him. Alas, it didn't work.

"My parents are ashamed of me," he said. "My sister hates me. Did you know that if I do something nice, they assume something's wrong with me or I'm high? They always assume I'm high. Especially Zoe," he laughed coldly. Evan looked at him sadly.

"You could try talking to them," he suggested. "Try to reconnect with them. Do nice things, help out around the house. Small things like that would be appreciated, I'm sure." Connor smiled.

"That is a good idea. Thanks, Evan." Evan smiled at him.

"You're welcome."


Evan and Connor were sitting on the couch, watching 'The Lorax'. It was Evan's favorite movie, for two main reasons: the catchy songs and the trees.

Okay, the trees were the main reason.

Towards the end of the movie, Evan looked at Connor. He truly was beautiful. He was also really sweet. The best friend Evan had ever had.

Connor looked at Evan, and they sat there for a while, looking at each other, staring into each other's eyes. Connor's eyes were a warm, chocolate brown, but Evan noticed specks of blue as well.

Truly beautiful.

Connor blinked.

"Ha! I win!" Evan exclaimed. Connor looked confused.

"What?" His face then filled with realization and he lightly punched Evan in the arm.


Evan started laughing, and then they were both laughing.

After a while, the boys calmed down, and Evan remembered something.

The letter.

"I'll be right back. I just have to, um, do something." Evan said quickly, then bolted out of the living room and up to his room.

Evan ran over to his desk, opened the notebook sitting atop it, and picked up the pencil lying neatly beside it.

He started scribbling out his daily letter.

Dear Evan Hansen,

Today is going to be a good day, and here's why: You're spending the day with Connor! Again! It'll be fun. You'll watch movies and laugh and talk. Connor's really nice; an amazing friend for you. He understands you and makes you feel giddy and is so adorable and

Evan looked at what he had just written. He was rambling about Connor.

Well, it wasn't his fault that Connor was sweet and cute and-

Oh, God.

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